The Servant Of Two Masters

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First part

The horses dashed faster through the forest trees, commanded by their masters. Namjoon, Erlin, and the knights of the round table, were on another inspection, perhaps the third week that month. The king, after the latest event, kept his promise and went in search of this infamous traitor, aided by his uncle Angus. He told him where to go and where to look, because, according to him, he had seen a suspicious person leaving and entering Camelot several times, only he didn't know where exactly they went when they left the kingdom. Angus told Namjoon to do it this way: at least two days a week, they had to inspect every inch of the forest, always going in a different direction. According to him, the traitor couldn't go far, he had to stay nearby. So far, they hadn't found anything. Only the sorceress understood that this was all a setup to avoid falling suspicion on him and she soon was tired of wasting time in this way. Now they found themselves in front of the entrance to the Valley of the Fallen Kings, Erlin didn't really have a good memory of that place, the last time she set foot there, Namjoon was about to die. And then why exactly there? It was a strange place to send them, what did Angus have in mind this time?
"Is it wise to enter, sire?"
Jimin asked, feeling a strange aura coming from that place.
"No, but it is a secret route, only you and I know of the existence of this Valley."
The king replied, recalling the recent events when he passed there. Shouts interrupted the discussion, several armed men descended into the valley ready to attack.
"It doesn't seem so secret!"
Jungkook exclaimed, pulling out his own sword.
"How witty."
Hoseok said softly, imitating him. Now the screams were also coming from behind them: some men were on horseback and had clubs in their hands.
"Spread out!"
The king ordered, dismounting his animal. Jungkook attacked with Elyan, they shouted to charge and threw themselves on the men with the horses. With a single shot, they took them out one by one. Namjoon managed to grab a barbarian and pull him off his horse and mortally wound him, Erlin, Hoseok and Jimin took care of everything else. The sorceress slashed an enemy's belly and kicked him, sending him to the ground, causing him to groan in pain. They managed to hold their own, but more and more came. Erlin opened her eyes wide, a man was coming from behind the king, swinging a mace with spikes. She looked around, the others were busy fighting, not paying attention to her. She killed another barbarian with one fluid move, she concentrated and sent her free hand forward, casting a spell that knocked the scoundrel to the ground, he rolled a couple of meters and passed out.
The sorceress heard Jimin's voice calling her. She turned around, but she didn't have time to do anything else, before she felt a searing pain in her side. An enemy had approached while she was busy saving Namjoon and he had seized the opportunity. The sorceress opened her mouth in pain, but she didn't let out a sound, she didn't have the strength. The man pulled the sword from her flesh, causing her even more pain, the wound soon began to bleed. Erlin fell to the ground, her ears ringing and her head spinning.
Hoseok shouted, viciously killing the man who stabbed her. The king let go of the fight for a moment and turned his attention towards where the screams were coming from and his blood ran cold. He saw Erlin in Jimin's arms, looking desperate, blood leaking through her blue shirt.
"Sire, you must take her away!"
Jungkook said, punching a man and knocking him down, probably breaking his nose too.
"We'll take care of it here, get Erlin safe and make sure she survives!"
Elyan exclaimed, spearing an enemy. Namjoon didn't think twice and catapulted himself to her friend, Hoseok meanwhile acting as a shield for the three, skillfully keeping the barbarians busy.
The king whispered with a trembling jaw. The sorceress managed to move her eyes and look at him, her side hurt, she couldn't use words.
"Give her to me, Jimin, I'll take her to safety."
The nominee nodded and delicately passed the sorceress' body to the king. Namjoon took her bridal style, he could feel her shaking and moaning in pain, which was excruciating to his ears.
"See you in Camelot!"
Namjoon said, walking away. The knights did not respond, but they got the message. A barbarian was about to follow them, but Elyan took him out in seconds. The king walked quickly, his anxiety had skyrocketed, he was already thinking about his hypothetical failure and Erlin's death. His eyes became shiny, he wanted so much to sweep those thoughts away, but he couldn't. The king stopped his steps, seeing two other barbarians far from him, how many were there? He also became nervous, but remained calm, silently changed direction and found a hiding place under the roots of a large tree. Erlin held back her moans, pain was starting to become unbearable, her vision was blurring. Namjoon leaned against the roots, as big as they were they managed to cover both of them; he held Erlin close to him. They both raised their heads, hearing footsteps above them: they were barbarians, but different from the ones Namjoon saw.
"Where are they?"
One of them said. The king understood that they had to follow them.
"We lost them!"
The other growled. Together they left, leaving Namjoon and Erlin the chance to breathe again.
"'re really angry."
The sorceress spoke in a low voice, trying not to weigh down the atmosphere. Namjoon placed her against a root, took a handkerchief and went near her wound; by now the shirt had a large blood stain.
"Can i?"
The sorceress nodded. Namjoon lifted her shirt and pressed into the wound, Erlin grunted in pain, but she limit herself to that, she didn't want anyone to hear and find them because of her.
Namjoon left the handkerchief to the sorceress, if she dabbed she would feel less pain. Erlin's skin was already starting to lose color and Namjoon felt sick.
"It's my fault."
The sorceress protested.
"It's my fault, I got distracted and allowed t-this to happen. Don't b-blame yourselves of things you haven't done."
Erlin closed her eyes, a burning sensation shooting through her body.
"I-If I could only do something..."
Namjoon ruffled his hair. In these situations he felt useless, ridiculous, he should have asked Jin what to do in case someone was mortally wounded.
"The only solution is to g-go back to Camelot. W-We're not that far away."
Erlin said, pressing harder on the wound. By now even the handkerchief was soaked in blood.
"But we won't arrive until tomorrow...what if you die during the night?"
Namjoon took her free hand and looked into her eyes.
"I won't die. Trust me, Namjoon. Am I or am I not the best warrior in Camelot?"
Erlin joked again, only this time she managed to bring a smile to the king's lips.
"You're right, you are. I have a friend who is extremely brave and incredibly loyal and not at all cowardly."
Erlin smiled weakly and tried to squeeze the king's hand, only for his grip to be weak.
"Thank you for saving me."
"You would have done the same for me."
And Erlin knew this was true. But now it was time to get back on the road. Namjoon picked her up again and headed down the road that would lead him to Camelot. Erlin managed to stay awake all the way until the evening, sometimes she would moan, but she tried to minimize that too. Around midnight, the king felt his energy failing, he had walked a lot, his feet burned and his breath dried his throat.
"Let's stop."
The sorceress said, placing a hand on the king's chest.
"But Erlin-"
"Let's stop."
The sorceress repeated, also tired. Namjoon nodded, both of them were exhausted. He rested the sorceress's head on an outstretched log, while he sat down. The king looked around to check the area, only the sounds of nocturnal animals could be heard, there seemed to be no trace of the barbarians.
"Namjoon, you can rest."
The king moved his blue eyes to her. Concern, Erlin read this in them.
"You don't have to be afraid, everything will be fine."
The sorceress reassured him, not breaking eye contact. Erlin's faint voice calmed his nerves, his entire body listened to the fatigue, and within seconds, he fell into a deep sleep. Erlin breathed a sigh of relief, he had finally fallen asleep; she brought a hand to the wound and closed her eyes, still trembling and with excruciating pain shooting through her entire body.

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