A Bride For The King

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First part

Taehyung stood up from the chair so abruptly, it almost fell to the floor.
"Just what I predicted happened, it can't get any better than this! Apparently Camelot has some common sense left."
Taehyung, for the first time, felt pleasure in talking about the citizens of Camelot, because thanks to them, Namjoon was now heartbroken and had reached his weakest point.
"What do you intend to do, my lord?"
Angus asked grinning. He had been waiting to do something concrete for three months now, Taehyung wanted to play it safe and not do anything until things in Camelot got worse, and that's what happened. Angus went every week to witness what was happening and each time he returned, he saw the citizens increasingly dissatisfied with their king. Word on the street was that Namjoon never set foot outside the castle again and refused to see any citizen who requested an audience with him, thus leaving them alone to solve their problems. The reason for this rejection was easy to understand: against all Angus' expectations, Namjoon was holding a grudge against his citizens and was distancing himself further and further from them. Angus didn't pity him at all, someone with any sense wouldn't have taken up with a servant, especially a royal. This unpleasant situation could have been avoided, if only his nephew had not been a sentimental boy.
"It's the right time to attack."
"Yes, but how?"
Angus asked. Camelot, although weak, had an entire army, they were only two.
"I'm going to visit a dear old friend of mine, it will help us to have him by our side, trust me. And you..."
Taehyung walked up to Angus and pointed his finger at him.
"You will enter the dungeons of Camelot and steal the map of the city's underground tunnels. Then they won't even see us coming and we will surprise them directly from inside."
They both smiled evilly, already seeing Camelot fall and with it, their king.
"There's a problem: I can't enter, I'm banned, remember?"
Taehyung snorted. Well, this was something he couldn't stand, if Angus hadn't let himself be discovered, everything would have been easier by now, for him he always had to make a secondary plan.
"Give me your cloak."
Ordered the priest, holding out his hand. Angus stuttered, not knowing what to expect, but he obeyed, unfastened the pin holding the ends of the cloak together and gave it to Taehyung. The priest unfolded it in front of him.

"Ivàie quandom suà tre" / "Hide the one who wears you"

The priest's eyes glowed gold, then returned to gray. Angus gasped, he saw the cloak disappear before his eyes, now Taehyung was visible, before he was hidden by the fabric.
"But how...?"
"Wear this and no one will see you, only you, from inside, will be able to witness what happens around you. And don't worry about losing it when you leave it lying around: the outside of the cloak is invisible, the inside is not."
Taehyung gave it back to him and in fact, Angus, catching it, noticed that the inside remained black.
"Thank you, Taehyung."
Angus bowed. He became strangely kind when he had to prepare a battle.
"If you fail, you know I'll hurt you a lot, right? Don't waste this opportunity."
Angus nodded, swallowing. By "hurt," he meant to kill him; all that kindness that he spoke of before, vanished into thin air.
"Now go, I'll come back tomorrow, I hope you'll find the map of the tunnels!"

In a village far from Camelot, its citizens worked with all the tranquility in the world, paying careful attention to what they were doing. Ylia was an unknown place, in the middle of nowhere, full of unknown faces, a place where no one cared about other people's affairs and Adeoga, didn't ask for a better place to stay. Within a month of her departure from Camelot, she traveled for several days before finding accommodation, fortunately Ylia stood in her way. She had no money to rent or stayin a house, so by offering her services to a family, she managed to earn some money and live with them. They were a very silent husband and wife, they told her what to do without asking anything else and Adeoga was grateful for it. Even though her job wasn't the best (nobody liked shoveling straw and pig feces), at least she kept her mind busy most of the day. She stopped, wiping a drop of sweat that fell from her forehead and she looked up at the sky, the sun was beating down particularly hard that day. Her hand went into the ring hanging from a cord wrapped around her neck, it was a gesture that she always did unconsciously, because it was as if by touching it, she was able to have the comfort of her loved one. That's right, that was the ring Namjoon gave her, she never took it off, but being afraid of ruining it since she always worked with her hands, she used it as a pendant. She turned it over in her fingers, tracing the stone with her fingertips, and sighed. She missed him. Namjoon, Erlin, Elyan, Jimin, Jin and everyone else. Even though she didn't have to say anything to anyone in that place, she felt extremely alone.
Adeoga released the ring and put down the shovel. The screams became multiple and intensified. Leaving the back of the house of the family she served, she understood why: bandits were attacking Ylia.
"What happens?!"
The elderly husband asked, leaving his house.
"Stay inside, there are bandits!"
Adeoga warned them, pushing him and his wife inside. The two wasted no time and locked the door. Adeoga felt her heartbeat increase, some citizens were hit by weapons, some managed to take refuge in their homes, which was of little use, given that, even with the help of horses, they managed to break the doors down. The bandits stole what they could, from food to jewelry. Adeoga took off running, returning to the back of the house, but there too she found a man blocking her path.
"Where do you think you're going?"
He asked, picking up his sword. Adeoga opened her eyes wide and changed direction, retracing her steps, still running. She saw that many had looked at her and were pointing at her. Unwilling to do so, she stumbled and fell to the ground, rolling and banging her knees. Adeoga groaned in pain, opening her eyes just as the bandits surrounded her ready to strike her. The girl backed away, the adrenaline already telling her to prepare for her death, she couldn't get up.
Adeoga heard a male voice coming from behind her and froze too. She then felt a presence getting closer and closer. She turned her head slowly to find a particularly tall man towering over her and from the way he was dressed, she came to the conclusion that he must be the leader of the bandits.
"There's still some pleasure to be had here."
The man sneered, in his squawking voice, lowering himself to her level. Adeoga tried to step back, but he grabbed her arm, lifting her off the ground.
"You will come with me, you will be my lady of honor."
And after this sentence, Adeoga saw darkness: they had put her to sleep by placing a cloth soaked in a soporific substance. Toshi, the leader, took her with him on his horse and waited for his followers before leaving and returning to his home.

The Adventures Of Erlin-The Sword In The Stone || A BTS Fan Fiction || Vol. 4Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora