1.8 - Lady Kyo's Requiem

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"Old hag, you forgot your umbrella."

A man walked toward a young girl that stood beside a window bathed in the sun's last rays the day had to offer. The girl's eyes wandered afar at what seemed to be a yuki-onna (snow spirit) laughing and dancing in the summer breeze - a young man trailing behind her.

"It's going to be lonelier without that midget hanging around huh?"

"Still can't believe Ume married so early...." The young girl lifted her hand to wash it in the beams of light. "... and to think before you..."


"How is the woman we encountered last night?"

"Tch. She's psychologically insane! She keeps telling us that she needs to kill someone to make music. Why would you want to support people like her?"


The little girl merely sighed in exasperation when she saw the worried look in the man's eyes. "I know your work is to protect Lady Kyo."

"You keep saying that my duty is to protect 'Lady Kyo,' but what does that mean?"

"It means your job is to protect people. I swore every time I sparred with you I always avoided your head. Where did that brain of yours go?"

Walking towards the nearly 20 year old man, she attempted to ruffle his hair. Unlike before, her arm gets stopped by Gyutaro's hand. 

"Lady Kyo, what is it? Spit it out. I know you didn't call me over to bully me."

"I can never dodge answering your questions huh?" With her other hand she flicked the for head hidden beneath the vibrant green hair.

"I am no longer Lady Kyo." The hands on her arm loosened as she laughed at the bewildered man. "Gyutaro, I never told you what I offered Ume as her wedding gift, have I?"

"Lady Kyo."

"Ume's old enough to manage a business, and she's been apprenticing beneath me for years now. That's why I thought it'll be great to give her-"

"Lady Kyo!"

The sound of crows scattering broke the silence that came after. Blue's desperately searched through the emerald green for answers. Realization seemed to dawn on Gyutaro as the little girl swiftly jumped onto the window sill.


"...leaving? Yeah." The cruel autumn breeze howled at the leaves clingy to barren branches. The two figures stood silently - one in disbelief and pain whilst the other turned toward the woman now waving at them gleefully.

"What will you tell Ume? Have you ever thought about how she would feel? Have you thought about me-"

Gyutaro choked on his last words as the girl smiled softly at him.

"I bought you to become a bodyguard. You might have noticed how rich I am, considering I could throw more than enough coins away to buy you."

It was mockingly like the smile she showed back then. 










It wasn't until winter arrived that Gyutaro realized he broke his own rule. He had grown too trusting of a stranger that seemed to offer him a hand with no strings attached. 

[Host, what are you trying to pull?]

The young girl stood sheltered by a barren oak tree as she watched the pair of siblings consoling each other as the priests chanted sutras over a makeshift burial site. 

"I'm witnessing my own funeral, what else? Only Gyutaro knows I'm not truly dead as a demon and all, and I doubt he'll try to explain to everyone that demons exist."

[Why would you leave them?]

"Because they're human."


"If I stay with them, it'll be the same as being sadistic. Not only would I get hurt from them leaving me, but they'll get hurt if Muzan ever finds them."

[You've grown attached again.]

"Yeah, ....yeah I did."

The winter wind whisked the rest of the withering leaves away as the demoness sat, watching the sun rise alone once more.

Sorry for the unexpected one month haitus and coming back to this short update! University life  has been busy and I'm still in the middle of midterms. Thanks for waiting so patiently!

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