1.16 - Unease

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Kyoko left the tense council room, the sliding door closing behind her.

Inside the council room, Ubuyashiki faced the skeptical eyes of his subordinates. The Flame Hashira, Rengoku, maintained a stoic demeanor, his eyes betraying a mix of curiosity and suspicion. The tension in the room reached its peak, awaiting the resolution of a conflict that transcended the battle against demons.

"Oyakata-sama, are you suggesting that we've exiled Shinsai without cause?" Kawaguchi's inquiry reverberated through the room, highlighting the unease among the Hashira.

Ubuyashiki, frail yet resolute, shook his head slowly. "Not quite."

"'Not quite'???? Shinsai was an integral part of our corps! He was our friend! If we've made a mistake, we need to rectify it immediately," Tanigawa, the Wind Hashira, interjected with a scowl.

"Listen, Oyakata-sama, we can't afford to be indecisive. The demons won't wait for us to figure things out," Tanigawa's impatience clashed with Kawaguchi's measured tone.

Kawaguchi, the Water Hashira, glanced at the others before turning back to Ubuyashiki. "Oyakata-sama, clarity is essential. What do you mean by 'not quite'? If Shinsai hasn't committed a grave offense, we need to know."

Ubuyashiki took a deep breath, his eyes reflecting the weight of the decisions he bore. "Shinsai's banishment was more to protect him than to punish him."

"Protect him? From what?" Komoyo, the Thunder Hashira, questioned, her eyes narrowing.

Ubuyashiki paused, choosing his words carefully. "Shinsai is the only one we know that trained under someone with the mark. His exile was a strategic move to keep him hidden from the demons who seek this information. This way, he won't be considered one of our most important pillars."

The room fell into a contemplative silence as the Hashira absorbed this revelation. Rengoku, the Flame Hashira, finally spoke, breaking the quietude. "So, we've cast aside one of our own to play a dangerous game of hide and seek with demons?"

"Precisely." Ubuyashiki affirmed. "Shinsai's knowledge about the mark and its connection to the demons makes him a valuable target. His banishment was not an act of betrayal, but a sacrifice for the greater good. We couldn't risk his capture, which would inevitably lead to the unraveling of our most guarded secrets."

The Hashira exchanged glances, grappling with the complexity of the situation. Tanigawa, still visibly frustrated, spoke up again, "Are we supposed to believe that we've been protecting him all this time? What about the lives we've lost in the process?"

Ubuyashiki's gaze remained steady. "The Demon Slayer Corps exists to protect humanity. Shinsai's banishment was a difficult decision, but it was made with the utmost consideration for that duty. The lives lost in the battle against demons were not in vain. They were sacrifices to ensure the survival of our knowledge and techniques."

Rengoku, sensing the weight of the revelation, voiced his thoughts. "If Shinsai's knowledge is crucial in the face of this new threat, we need to locate him immediately. We can't afford to let the demons get hold of that information."

"Well it's too late isn't it? Didn't he join the demons in the end? Training under Upper Moon 1."

Ubuyashiki's expression remained somber at Tanigawa's words. "The truth is more complicated. Shinsai's path has indeed taken him into the demon ranks, but it wasn't a choice he willingly made. He promised to betray the ranks in the end."

The room buzzed with a heavy silence as the Hashira absorbed this new layer of complexity. Rengoku, always driven by duty, spoke with conviction, "Regardless of the circumstances, Shinsai's knowledge is crucial. We cannot let it fall into the wrong hands, demon or otherwise."

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