chapter 7: real world problems.

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Risa was curious about Naruto's past so she'd decided to go into detective mode and tried to find some kind of information on him. A date of birth, a last name, a family lineage, parents' names, anything that may shed some light on what kind of secrets Naruto had to hide and made him so anti-social.

Unfortunately she'd found nothing at all.
Almost as if anything in relation to his past was erased, redacted, or didn't exist.

She had asked around to get information from people who might have known him on a personal level but still no luck.

Naruto was good at covering his tracks well, a little bit far too well for a computer prodigy programmer.

Risa then said to herself.

"There's nothing about him that I can find. Nothing at all. No birth records, no family history, not even police records explaining his parents identities. Any records related to his parents are sealed.

Not even his last name is listed in the school student records borrowed from the principals office by the teachers.

Not even a house or apartment address was listed in his school files at all. Weird.
What could he possibly be hiding???."

Looking further Risa found a police report about a house fire and 2 victims with only one survivor.

The mother was said to have committed suicide after being driven insane and clinically diagnosed with schizophrenia constantly saying to the police her son murdered the father after learning their secret begging repeatedly for forgiveness.

The child's name censored out along with the parent's names denied any involvement stating that she was driven mad by guilt from her actions.

Almost the entire report was censored out. The only things not censored were cause of death and witness accounts.

The strange thing is. There were no witnesses. Especially since it was in the most isolated and secluded parts of the city. The only area of the city even police couldn't find any traces of criminal activity in. The night clubs district.

From the entrance into the main dance floors everyone and everything was legitimately legal. The bars the staff the security. But behind the scenes things were different. Behind all the legitimate workings was a far more sinister act.

A couple of parents and their friends were using the wife as a sex slave.
Eventually getting pregnant and giving birth to a baby boy. They laid low for a few years until the boy reached age 13.

Eventually noticing his parents being gone longer and longer each day they "went to work" or came home late because they had to "work overtime".

The parents would be gone for weeks sometimes months even. As times grew longer and longer and the excuses piled up he'd had enough.

So he bought a set of hidden wireless microphones and cameras placed them in unsuspecting locations of the parents rooms and listened into the conversations while recording everything he'd heard on a flash drive.

If blackmail and threats didn't work he'd hack their computers emails and finally get the truth for extra measures.

His father denied the recordings.
His mother begged to forgive them for their neglect and long abandonment.

But then it's what he'd asked them that made naruto go off and burn them.

Flash back. 5 years ago.

Naruto had confronted his parents about the truth of their long trips away from home leaving him alone on numerous occasions for extended periods of time.

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