Chapter 1

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I've been traveling for so long
So lost till I stumbled upon
Two roads in front of me
I had to take my time
Crossroads ~Avenged Sevenfold

Isla's POV

"So you're telling me you are actually going on another date?" I asked Gemma.
"That's exactly what I'm telling you."
"But, but I thought you were anti - relationship?"
"Isla, we were both anti - relationship in college, now I've met someone."
"Well that's good and I'm happy for you Gem." I told her, even though I never recalled being against relationships, it had always been her.
"Yes and I really want you to meet him."
"Well I'd like to meet him too."
"Good, then come to his party this Saturday night, he's introducing me to all of his friends and I could kind of use your support." Gemma told me.
"In that case, how could I say no." I said smiling. "But please will you tell me how you met?"
"I wish I could tell you it was something crazy and romantic but I can't." She laughed. "I was drunk at a bar, he bought me a few drinks and asked for my number."
"Ah, but he called you at least."
"He did, and I'm glad."
I took a mouthful of my salad. Gem and I were on our weekly lunch date, we'd been doing it for years, only she'd missed the last few because now it seemed she had a boyfriend.
"He's in a band right?" I asked her, sipping my drink.
"Mmm, yes, though I don't know that you would have heard of them." She said.
I didn't tell her that I knew exactly who Brian Haner Jr was or that I actually listened to Avenged Sevenfold and that I had been for a few years.
"Probably not."
"Yeah well, I'm certainly looking forward to seeing them next time they play." She told me.
"You really like him right?" I said smiling.
"Yes, I really do." She said smiling. "And I hope you like him because it will definitely make my life easier if you two get along."
"I'm sure I will." I assured her, I was an easy going girl, there weren't many people I didn't get along with.
"I hope his friends like me."
"How could they not Gem, you're fabulous."
"Just the way Bri was talking, they're single and love being single, if you catch my drift."
Yeah I understood exactly what she meant.
"Man whores?" I asked.
"Something like that, Bri said they had no shortage of girls."
Oh I bet they didn't, I thought, afterall they were a good looking bunch of bad boys, a combination girls couldn't resist.
"Well as long as Brian doesn't do it, who cares what his friends get up to right?" I said.
"You're right of course." She said, smiling.
I just couldn't get over how happy she looked.
"Of course I'm right, I always am." I laughed.
We ate the rest of our lunch, just catching up on gossip and such. I filled her in on my ex boyfriend, we'd only broken up six months ago but he was already living with his new, pregnant girlfriend.
"It doesn't bother you?" She asked me.
"Honestly, no. I fell out of love with him a long time ago, now I just want to have a little fun."
"Andddd, the perfect place to do that is at Brian's party." Gem said.
I shrugged, I guess it could be fun, meeting new people, hanging out.
What could possibly go wrong?

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