Chapter 25

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Isla's POV

I wasn't sure what he was so angry about, but he stormed out, leaving me confused and upset. What exactly did he want from me?
I opened my door to find Gemma and Brian talking with Matt, who was squatting against the wall, but he still wouldn't speak to me. He was the one who had started this, yet I was the one in the wrong?
I went back into my room, grabbing my suitcase, I would leave, I couldn't stay here, not now.
I started shoving my clothes in when there was a soft knock on my door. I hoped it was Matt but it was probably my breakfast, I wasn't even hungry anymore.
I opened the door to Matt and I couldn't help it, I just started crying again.
"I'm sorry." I sobbed. God, why was I crying, I was such an ugly crier.
"I know." He murmured, walking in.
I closed the door, turning around and looking at him.
"I don't know what you want me to say." I whispered.
He turned around, looking at me. "We need to talk."
Why did he look so disappointed.
I nodded, wiping my cheeks and watched as Matt got the two chairs and put them facing eachother. He indicated for me to sit, so I did and he sat opposite me.
"I'm sorry Isla." He said softly. "For that outburst."
"I'm just confused Matt." I told him honestly.
"Well talk to me, tell me what you're confused about."
I opened my mouth and I felt those stupid tears again. "You, I'm confused about you." Damn, one rolled down my cheek.
"How, tell me how?" He murmured, grabbing my hand.
"You, you confuse me, you want sex, all you want is sex and then you stand there telling me I should miss you and that I hurt your feelings, well what about mine, what about my feelings when you're off fucking someone else." I sobbed. Fuck I wish I could stop crying and I wished I'd fallen for anyone else but Matt.
"Stop Isla." He told me. "One thing at a time. I just wanted you to say you miss me, I wanted to hear it."
"Well I do, I missed you so much, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep properly because I missed you and I hate myself for that."
"Ugh Isla." He groaned. "This whole thing is a great big fuck up."
I couldn't help it, I sobbed again, hearing him say that we were a mistake, it hurt, so much.
"No, no, don't cry." He murmured, wiping my cheek.
Suddenly there was a knock on my door.
"Who the fuck is that?" Matt asked.
"Probably my breakfast."
Matt got up and opened the door, grabbing the tray and placing it on the table. "Are you going to eat this?"
I shook my head. I'd probably never eat again.
"Isla." Matt said, sitting down again. "Let me explain a few things okay?"
"Okay." I whispered.
"Remember Brian's party?"
How could I forget.
"You and Gemma came in, then you and I, well we ended up in the bathroom."
Oh how could I forget that, ever.
"Well that night you got under my skin. I couldn't stop thinking about you, I annoyed the fuck out of Brian to get Gemma to bring you to La Jolla but you came." He smiled. "You were such a bitch about the whole thing, barely giving me the time of day, virtually begging me to go sleep with someone else."
"I thought it was what you wanted." I whispered. "I thought it was what you did." I took a deep breath. "I thought that's what I was to you."
"God Isla, since that night at Brian's party do you know how many girls I've slept with?"
I shook my head, I didn't want to know.
"You." He murmured. "Only you."
I looked at him, meeting his gaze.
"I only wanted you Isla. I still only want you." He murmured, grabbing my hand and pulling me up from my seat and into his lap. "So I want to ask you a few things okay?"
I nodded as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Will you miss me?"
"Everday." I murmured.
"So you decided to come to Sacramento?"
"Yes, because I missed you, I wanted to see you."
He smiled. "Now tell me Isla, why is it that you don't have a boyfriend?"
I shrugged, looking at him. "I don't know, there's this one guy, but I'm not sure how he feels about me."
"Well." He murmured, pulling my face to his. "If he's anything like me he's crazy about you."
He was crazy about me and I felt like screaming from the rooftops, I felt so fucking happy.
"So." He whispered, smiling. "Do you think I can kiss you without you asking if we're going to fuck?"
"Yes." I murmured as his lips met mine. I closed my eye's, enjoying it, it had been too long and I really had missed him, so much.
"But we are going to fuck right?" I asked laughing.
"You bet your fucking ass we are." He said, picking me up in his arms.
He knocked my suitcase off the bed.
I wasn't going anywhere now, unless it was with Matt.

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