Chapter 23

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Isla's POV

I just went up to my room, and washed my makeup off and climbed in to bed.
I couldn't believe how he was treating me, only I could, I knew what Matt was like before I'd even slept with him, I had nobody to blame but myself.
I grabbed a pillow and pulled it to me, burying my face in it, stifling my sobs. I just wanted to go home, but we still had tomorrow here, apparently we were going to do some sightseeing but maybe I could think of a way to get out of it.
I layed there, trying to sleep and I guess I eventually drifted off but I was awake early.
I felt even worse than I had previously and when I went into the bathroom I looked in the mirror, the bags under my eye's were big enough to pack clothes for a week long vacation.
I had quick shower, tying my hair back and throwing on a pair of shorts and a hoodie before heading downstairs for some breakfast.
It was quiet in the corridor, I guessed everyone was still sleeping and I stood there in silence as I waited for the elevator.
As the elevator arrived, I heard a door slam further down. I got in the elevator and just as the doors began to close a hand appeared, stopping them.
"Wait." Matt said.
He looked shocked when he saw me standing there, but he got in anyway.
The doors closed and we both stared straight ahead. Silent.
Suddenly Matt cleared his throat. "So you decided to come?"
The elevator stopped.
"Gemma made me." I mumbled as the doors opened.
"Yeah that sounds about right." He snapped, walking out.
I stood there, watching him. Did he have to be so rude?
I was still standing there when the doors closed again. I pressed my floor. I would just have breakfast in my room.
I went straight to my room, biting my lip, fighting back tears again and I called room service straight away. Maybe food would help.
I ordered an omlette and coffee then sat on my bed waiting for it.
Why was he being so horrible?
A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts and I figured it was my food.
I threw the door open to reveal Matt standing there.
"What is your problem?" He snapped, pushing past me and walking into my room.
"What the fuck is your problem Isla?"
I closed the door and looked at him. "Look, I don't know what you're talking about."
"Are you fucking serious?" He snapped.
"Please don't raise your voice at me." He was angry, his face was red and his voice was getting louder.
"Jesus fucking Christ Isla." He yelled, grabbing my arm. "Is it that fucking hard?"
"What?" I cried. I was lost, I didn't know what he was talking about. "But please let go, you're hurting me."
"I'm hurting you?" He laughed, squeezing my arm. "What about me?"
"What, what do you mean?" I pulled my arm, but he just tightened his grip.
"God Isla how do you think I feel when you say the things you do." He yelled at me.
"Matt please." I cried.
"I ask you why you don't have a boyfriend and you tell me you haven't met anyone yet. You tell me this to my face. I'm right in fucking front of you and you say this to my face." He raged.
"Shut up." He yelled. "I ask you will you miss. Ha." He laughed, it frightened me. "Fuck no you won't miss me, not at all."
"Matt, no." I whispered.
"I ask you if you decided to come, maybe hoping just a tiny bit that wanted to see me, but nope, Gemma made you."
I burst into tears, he was hurting my arm, but more importantly he was hurting me.
"I only told you what you wanted to hear." I sobbed.
"Fuck." He yelled, squeezing my arm tighter.
"Ow." I sobbed. "Stop hurting me."
"Oh jesus." He whispered, letting go. "Fuck."
He shook his head, turning around and leaving, slamming the door.
I stood there crying and confused, wondering what the hell had just happened?

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