Chapter 22

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Gemma's POV

I was excited. I'd never seen them perform before and the whole thing was new to me. After Brian had fucked me senseless we got into the shower, getting ready.
I was happy to see Isla looked a little better when we went to her door, although she was still quiet. I wasn't going to push her, she'd tell me, if and when she was ready.
Being backstage was exciting, watching everyone rush around, but the most exciting part for me was just before they went on and Brian stood in front of me.
"Kiss me." He murmured. "For luck."
And I did. I could feel all of those girls eye's on me, envious, and it felt fucking great.
I loved the show, but I especially loved watching Bri, he was a bit of a slut on stage but the crowd loved it, the crowd loved all of them and I could see why.
Isla watched silently, barely saying a word and she looked extremely relieved when we finally left. Everyone hsd seperated, but we were all meeting in the bar at the hotel for a drink.
Brian and I had to virtually drag Isla to the bar, she looked uncomfortable and out of place, constantly fidgeting in her seat.
"Isla." I said, when Brian went to the bar.
"Gemma, I am fine, okay. Yes, something is bothering me, but no, you can't help. I'll get over it. I just need time."
"Okay." I whispered, reaching over and squeezing her hand. At least she'd finally admitted that something was wrong. I just wish I new what it was.
She began to relax a little as we had a few drinks and Brian, being the sweetheart he was, was going out of his way to make her laugh. And she was laughing, that was until Matt and one of his girls started carrying on. I looked at Isla, her face said it all and I wasn't surprised when she stood up, heading to bed.
"Fuck." I said to Brian, watching her leave.
"What?" He asked me.
I saw Matt approach her and say something, I don't know what he said but I watched her face fall.
"What about him?" Brian asked.
I closed my mouth as Matt approached us and sat down.
"Where's Isla going?" He asked, looking down at his beer.
"She hasn't been well." I told him, looking at him closely. "She's gone to bed."
"Oh." He mumbled.
"Want a drink?" Brian asked him, completely unaware of what was happening right in front of him.
Isla and Matt. That's what Isla's problem was.
"Nah." Matt said pushing the beer he had away. "I might just head to bed myself."
"Suit yourself." Brian said heading to the bar.
"What's going on?" I asked Matt straight out.
He looked at me frowning. "Nothing." He stood up.
"It had better stay that way."
"Trust me, it will." He mumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking off.
Brian put a drink in front of me and sat back down.
"I think something happened with Matt and Isla." I blurted.
"No way." Brian said, shaking his head.
"I'm serious."
"No Gem. Matt's a bragger, he likes to tell us all the details, if you catch my drift, and he's never mentioned Isla, not once."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive babe." He smiled, leaning over and kissing me. "What do you say we finish this drink and head upstairs. I have something you need to see."
"And what is that?" I murmured against his lips.
He took my hand, placing it on the front of his jeans. I could feel him getting harder as I squeezed gently.
"Okay fuck the drinks." He said standing up.
We couldn't get to the room fast enough and as we walked past Isla's room I couldn't help but notice all the lights were off.
I felt sad for my friend again, well until Brian slid his hands into my pants, then my only thought was getting Brian out of those clothes.

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