Chapter 20

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Gemma's POV

I closed my suitcase. I was so excited, it had been over two weeks and finally, today we were flying to Sacramento. I couldn't wait to see Brian, we'd talked everyday, but I wanted to touch him, hold him, I was dying to be near him.
I was dragging Isla with me, whether she wanted to go or not. She needed to get away, something was wrong, lately when I'd seen her she would just suddenly burst into tears. I'd asked her what was wrong over and over but she kept insisting nothing was wrong. She was lying.
I grabbed my bag as the taxi pulled up out the front. We could have driven, but we decided to fly instead. Well I decided, because Isla had no input into anything about this trip.
I threw my bag in and jumped in the back as we went to pick Isla up.
The cab beeped as we pulled up and we waited, and waited.
"I'll go up." I told the driver, jumping out and running up the stairs to her apartment.
"Come on." I said as she opened the door.
She looked at me like she had no clue what I was talking about but then she nodded, grabbing her bag.
We got in the cab, finally on our way to the airport. As we drove I looked at Isla, she looked terrible. Her hair looked dull, her skin was pale and she had terrible dark circles under her eye's.
"You okay?" I asked her softly for about the millionth time.
She gave me her usual reply. "I'm fine." Only she wasn't and I was hoping spending a couple of days with the guys would make her feel better.
As usual there were millions of people at the airport and by the time we got through security we only just made our flight.
It was only a short flight and once we landed and got our bags we searched for the driver who was taking us to the hotel.
"I guess that's him." Isla said flatly, pointing to a man who had a sign with our names on it.
Once we were in the car, on our way to the hotel I began getting so excited.
"I can't wait." I said to Isla.
"You missed him huh?"
"So much, you wouldn't believe how much."
"I guess not." She said softly.
We arrived at the hotel and as a couple of guys arrived to take our luggage, I got out, looking for Brian.
I finally saw him, standing by the desk and I couldn't help myself, I ran, throwing myself at him and wrapping my arms and legs around him as he caught me.
"God I've missed you." I cried kissing him.
"I've missed you." He told me smiling.
We kissed until Isla made a noise.
"Hey." Brian said smiling at her. "I've organised your room." And he handed her a card.
"Thanks." She mumbled, grabbing it and heading towards the elevators.
"What's wrong with her?" He asked me.
"According to her nothing."
"Huh." He chuckled. "Same with Matt."
"Where are the other's?" I asked him.
"Already at the venue." He grinned. "But I've got an hour or two before I have to go down."
"Ooh." I smiled, grabbing his hand as we walked to the elevator.
"I'm glad you decided to come." Brian told Isla as we got in the elevator.
"I didn't have a choice." She mumbled.
Brian looked at me, raising his eyebrows and I shrugged, what could I say.
"Be ready by five." Brian told Isla once we'd reached her room, she just nodded letting herself in.
"Christ." Brian said, opening the door to our room. "She looks terrible."
"I know and she won't tell me why." I cried. "I've asked her and she tells me nothing when clearly something is very wrong."
He hugged me. "Gem, she obviously doesn't want to tell you."
"I know, that's why I dragged her along. A couple of days with the guys and well a couple of days with Matt, flirting, I'm hoping she'll feel better."
"Yeah well, Matt is a whole other problem." Brian told me. "I'm still worried, he's just so moody Gem, angry at everyone."
I sighed. "Maybe we should keep him away from her then."
"Maybe." He murmured. "But fuck them for now." He grinned. "I want you and I want you fucking now."
God yes.
I was naked in one second.

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