Chapter 12

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Gemma's POV

"You ready for bed?" Brian murmured.
I looked around. I'd been ready for bed about four hours ago. I kind of wanted to go when I saw Isla leave but I also wanted to stay with Brian.
"I certainly am."
He stood up and held out his hand, I grabbed it, standing up.
"Will they be alright?" I asked him, looking at the few party goers still here.
"Yeah, Zack's entertaining them."
I smiled and followed him inside.
"Have you seen Matt?" He asked me.
I thought for a moment. "Actually I haven't seen him for awhile."
Brian groaned. "I hope he's in his room."
"He probably is."
"I'll check."
"Brian, you're not his father." I said following him up the stairs.
"I know, but sometimes he can do stupid stuff. I just want to know he's asleep."
The more Brian told me about Matt, I realized Matt was like an irresponsible child.
"Look." Brian said, stopping on the stairs and turning around to face me. "I know you think Matt is an idiot Gemma, but he's not. We look out for eachother, we're best friends and that's what friends do, it's just since Jimmy." He stopped and took a deep breath. "Since Jimmy, Matt has gone off the rails. He's suffering Gem, but he's doing it quietly and I guess doing what he does is the only way he feels he can let it out."
I looked at him, standing on the stairs and I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I couldn't imagine the pain these guys had gone through, losing their best friend.
"Of course." I whispered, wiping my cheek. "I understand." And now I think I did understand.
"Come on." He said pulling me up the stairs.
We crept down the hall until we reached Matt's room. Brian knocked but there was no answer. He opened the door and turned on the light and an obviously naked girl sat up.
"Matt?" She asked.
"He's not here?"
"No, I'm waiting for him." She said, sticking out her bottom lip.
"Ah, okay." And he closed the door, turning to me. "Where the fuck is he and who the fuck is that snoring?"
Someone was indeed snoring, it was reverberating down the hall.
"No idea." I said following Brian.
"Isn't this Isla's room?" He asked me.
I nodded. It was and it was also the room the snoring was coming from.
"She snores?"
"Not like that." I whispered.
Brian shrugged and opened the door, flicking on the light.
"Fuck, what?" Matt cried, sitting straight up in bed.
"God, I'm never going to get any sleep." Isla moaned.
"Sorry." Brian said, turning the light back off and closing the door. "Well, we found Matt."
I nodded. We did, but what was he doing in Isla's room?
We went to our room and I asked Brian that exact question.
"Babe." He said pulling off his shirt. "I honestly have no idea."
I had no idea and I wasn't going to think about it either, not tonight.
I headed into the bathroom, getting changed and cleaning my teeth and by the time I came back out Brian was laying in bed.
"Light's out?" I asked him and he nodded.
I flicked off the light and climbed in next to him, putting my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Don't worry about them." Brian whispered, kissing my forehead. "They're grown ups and Matt is a good guy."
"I know."
"I found you and I have you, maybe Matt will find someone that will help heal the pain, maybe he won't, whichever it is I'll always be there for him."
I kissed him softly. "I did?"
"You are helping Gem, everyday." He murmured. "I met you and just being with you makes me realize that everything is going to be okay."
"I'm glad I've helped."
"You have Gem." He whispered. "So much.
"Matt will be okay."
"God I hope so." He whispered, but he wasn't really talking to me. "I really do."
I hugged him to me, feeling his sadness, trying to be strong for him, but trying not to cry at the same time.
"He's just hurting Gem, we're all hurting."
I didn't reply, I just held him tightly until he fell asleep. This was the first time Brian had opened up to me and it hurt my heart, but it also made me realize something.
It was simple.
I loved him.

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