Chapter 17

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Isla's POV

God this was awkward. Everyone had a date but me and I was sitting here like Nancy no friends.
Everyone was having a wine, eating the appetizers or whatever the fuck Gemma had called them, and talking. I sat back and looked at everyone, sipping my wine.
I looked at the girl Matt had brought. She was taller than me, her hair was blonde and fuck, I'll be honest, she was way better than me in every department. I was jealous, it was simple. I should never have let it get past that night at Brian's party, it should have stayed a one night fling.
I wasn't having a good time and I didn't want to be here, especially not with Matt and his fucking date, looking all glamorous and shit.
"Huh." I said looking up.
"Do you want something?" Gemma asked, holding the plate out to me.
"No thanks." I said shaking my head.
"Why don't we sit at the table." Brian suggested standing up.
Everyone agreed and headed into the dining room.
"I'll give you a hand." I told Gemma, following her into the kitchen.
"Go and sit down." Gemma told me.
"Nah I don't mind."
"Fine you can help if you tell me what's going on?"
"Nothing Gem." I assured her. "I'm just tired from being on morning shift." And Matt and I have been fucking and I really like him and I realize I'll never be anything more to him.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive." I told her.
"In that case, start taking these in." She said handing me bowls of some sort of soup.
I helped her and Brian take them out then I couldn't put off joining the other's anymore so I went into the dining room. Great, I had to sit next to Matt and he smiled at me as I sat down.
"Where's your date?" He whispered, leaning over.
"I decided not to bring one."
"Well you could have told me."
He shook his head. "Doesn't matter."
Nope, it didn't matter and as everyone ate and talked I let my mind wander, thinking about anything and everything, not paying attention.
"You should." Matt said suddenly.
I looked up from my plate to see everyone looking at me.
"I should what?"
"Come with Gemma." Matt informed me.
Okay, I was lost. "Okayyy, go with her where?"
"Have you been listening?" Gemma asked and I shook my head.
"When we go on tour." Brian informed me.
I shook my head, I still had no idea what he was talking about.
"The end of next week." Matt said. "We go on tour."
This was the first I'd heard of it.
"Yeah we're doing nine shows, so we'll be on the road about three weeks." Brian added.
"Oh." I said. I wasn't sure what this had to do with me.
Matt looked at me. "Gemma is meeting us in Sacramento."
"Oh that's nice."
Matt rolled his eyes. "I said you should come with her."
"I've got work and stuff." Why would I go with her?
"Oh." He replied, looking back at his plate.
"I'll bring her, don't worry." Gemma said and I looked at her frowning, she just smiled and continued eating.
"Hey." Matt whispered, leaning over. "Are you okay?"
"Fine." I mumbled.
"No you're not." He murmured.
I didn't reply, I just ignored him and I tried to ignore him for the rest of the night, I needed to ignore him for the rest of my life.
As soon as dessert was over I helped Gemma clear up then I made a lame excuse to go home.
"Isla." She asked again. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Gem I'm positive." I said, hugging her. "Now tell everyone I said bye."
"Why can't you tell them?"
"Just tell them." I couldn't tell her I didn't want to deal with Matt.
I left via the back door and was only happy once I was home, in my pyjamas, laying on my couch.
My phone beeped and I picked it up.
I'm worried about you Gem had texted. I didn't reply, I was worried about me too. Why had I started this thing? But one thing was certain, while I was happy for Gem, I wasn't going out with her and Brian anymore.
I shouldn't have been surprised when I heard the doorbell go a little while later. I knew Gemma wouldn't be able to let it go.
Well she's going to have to, I thought opening the door.
"You never said goodbye." Matt said, standing there.
"What?" What the fuck was he doing here? "Where's your date?"
"Well." He said walking in. "I said you never said goodbye and I took her home." He looked at me. "Why didn't you say bye?"
I shrugged, I couldn't really tell him I was avoiding him could I?
"Oh." He murmured reaching out and pulling me close. "In that case bye." He whispered kissing me.
Ugh, why the hell was this happening again?
"I've wanted to do that all night." He murmured, running his hand up my leg.
Of course he did, and for all my talk about stopping this, I didn't stop him while he undressed me and I certainly didn't stop him as he made scream in pleasure.
God, I don't think I'll ever be able to stop this.

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