Chapter 4

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Gemma's POV

"Are you having fun?" Brian asked, putting his arm around me.
I looked around. "I guess." It certainly was an eye opener, but I actually wasn't having a bad time.
"Yeah Gem." He said kissing my forehead. "They may be a little out there, but they're good guy's."
I nodded, it was plain obvious that they all had a special friendship.
"Do you think your friend is having fun?" He asked me.
I looked over at Isla, she was at the bar again, talking to a girl and as I watched, she did another shot.
"I think so." Isla always had fun, she always makes fun wherever she goes.
"She looks like it." Brian added.
"Who?" Someone asked and I looked over at Brian's friend Matt, standing there smiling. He had stunning dimples, you couldn't help but notice.
"Gemma's friend Isla." Brian told him.
"What about her?" Matt asked.
"She seems to be having a good time."
"I wouldn't mind having a good time with her." Matt said smirking.
Was he serious?
"Yeah dream on mate." Brian told him. "She's off limits, besides I don't think she likes you."
"A lot of girls don't like me to start with, they soon change their mind."
I looked at him, what a cocky prick.
I couldn't help but laugh, he hadn't met anyone like Isla before.
"Hands off." Brian told him.
"Yeah yeah." He said walking off. I watched him walk straight over to Isla.
"He's all talk Gem. Don't worry."
I smiled up at him. I wasn't worried, Isla would set him straight, and as I looked over at her, she was in the process of giving Matt a mouthful.
"I'm not." I told him as Isla grabbed her drink and walked over to us.
"Isn't he hilarious." She said to us.
"He's harmless." Brian told her.
"A real charmer."
"I'll go tell him to cool it." Brian said, walking over to Matt.
"What happened?" I asked Isla.
"Well apparently he wouldn't mind nailing me." She said. "Isn't that just the most romantic thing you've ever heard?"
"Oh god." I mumbled.
She laughed. "I think Brian's right, he is harmless and I don't think he's used to being turned down."
I looked over at him. "Probably not."
"Don't get me wrong Gemma." Isla said. "He's extremely attractive."
"You wouldn't would you?" I asked her. I hoped not, I really did.
"Relax." She told me. "I wouldn't he's just not my type, I like a clean cut man."
That was true, she always went for the preppy types.
"Damn." She whispered and I followed her gaze. Brian was coming back over and Matt was following.
"Do you need a drink?" Brian asked us.
I shook my head, I didn't.
"Do you need me?" Matt asked Isla, slipping his arm around her waist.
"I definitely do not." She told him, stepping away.
I smiled at Brian, shaking my head. I'll give him points for trying.
"Come on." Brian said taking my hand. "Come and meet some people."
I glanced at Isla, she was standing there with a shocked look on her face while Matt whispered something in her ear.
"Calm down big boy." She said, pushing him away and following Brian and I.
"Honestly." She said. "I'm blushing."
"Once again, sorry." Brian told her.
"I'm a big girl Brian." She told him. "I can look after myself."
"I have no doubt you can."
I let Brian lead me around, introducing me to his friends. I was relieved to find that while they looked intimidating they were teddy bars.
Matt kept popping up and annoying Isla, but she handled him diplomatically, which I was glad, I really hoped that we could all be friends. I had a feeling Brian and I were going to be together for a long time.

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