Chapter 5

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Isla's POV

I was surprisingly enjoying myself. Admittedly I was a little drunk, but so was everyone else.
I really liked Brian, he was a nice guy, his friends were okay, well except for Matt, wasn't he a cocky bastard, full of himself.
"I'm going to the toilet." I whispered to Gemma. "Where is it?"
"Hang on I'll ask Bri."
So I stood there while she went over to Brian. I glanced around and Matt was looking at me. He winked. I shook my head, smiling. It must be strange for him, being rejected, I'm sure it had never happened to him before.
"Bri said use the one upstairs on the left."
I nodded and headed in, passing Matt, I couldn't lie, he was a sexy motherfucker, but just not my type.
I found the bathroom and used it, checking my make up, I looked okay, but after a few more drinks I'd start to look like shit.
Oh well. I shrugged at myself in the mirror and opened the door. As I headed down the corridor I saw someone standing there and as I got closer I realised it was Matt.
"Are you following me?" I asked him.
"Maybe." He said smiling.
"Give up, I'm not interested."
"Are you sure?" He asked, grabbing me around the waist and pulling me close.
"Yeah I'm pretty sure."
"Aw come on." He whispered.
I was in the process of rolling my eye's at him when he pressed his lips to mine, kissing me.
I don't know what I was thinking and as I went to pull away he slipped his hand up my dress.
"What do you think you're doing?" I asked him.
"This." He murmured, slipping his hand down the front of my underwear.
Sweet jesus, he was an expert with his fingers, and while one part of me said walk away, the other part was screaming for more.
"Come here." He whispered, taking my hand and pulling me down the corridor and back into the bathroom.
He shut the door locking it, pressing me against it and kissing me again.
"I don't know what you think you're doing?" I whispered, putting my hands on his chest and pushing him away.
"You know what I'm doing." He smirked, running his hand up my leg.
Oh god.
"Relax Isla." He murmured, kissing me again. "Sex is natural."
"You're such a smooth talker."
He grinned. "Shut up and enjoy it."
He pushed himself against, sliding his hand further up my leg.
Fuck it, he was right. It was only sex and everybody needed a good fucking occasionally.
This time I kissed him, grabbing at his shorts.
"Fuck." He groaned, pulling at my underwear.
He grabbed me and pushed me over against the bathroom cabinet. Suddenly he grabbed my underwear, pulling them off.
"You seem excited." I said laughing.
"Shut up." He said gripping my waist and sitting me on the cabinet.
God he was strong.
He kissed me again and I grabbed his shorts, undoing them.
My eye's drifted down and jesus christ, he was huge and just the sight of his erect penis made me hornier.
"Fucking come here." He growled, grabbing my legs, pulling me forward and pulling them apart.
He reached down between and I felt it, pushing against me. I closed my eye's, biting my lip as he entered me. I groaned, I couldn't help it, he felt so good.
He started moving, in and out and I groaned louder, grabbing onto his ass, it felt so fucking good.
"You like it." He grunted in my ear. "You fucking love it."
"Shut up you dickhead." I whispered. "You're ruining it by talking."
"I'll fucking ruin you." He smirked, grabbing the my leg and pulling it up.
He went harder and faster and I lost all control.
"Fuck me harder." I moaned as I felt my orgasm building. I was so close.
He did and a few seconds later I was doing everything I could not to scream.
"Fuck you feel so good." He groaned, grabbing a handful of my hair, pulling my head back and groaning louder into my neck.
He slowed down, then stopped, pulling out and smiling.
"Nice." He said, redressing himself.
I hoped off the cabinet, I needed to straighten myself up.
"Maybe we can do this again." He smirked.
"Hmm maybe." I said looking in the mirror. "If you're a good boy."
He laughed and opened the door. "I'm always good."
I laughed loudly as he walked away.
What a crock of shit!

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