Making amends

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For the rest of that same day it revolved around me wishing Harry had made amends while in a Skype call with Reece, attempting to play Smite. Despite school now officially being finished, I still had a little bit of hope that we would somehow make amends and be friends again. My clutch onto that hope slowly started to become weaker as the evening progressed. It wasn't till around 8pm when I was glad I held onto that little bit of hope. By this point Rob had joined the call and I'm sure we were deciding on something to play. My phone buzzed and I wasn't really interested in it as it was probably a notification from a game. As I glanced at my phone's screen my eyes once again flew wide open as my mouth dropped (seems he had quite a habit of making me do that, damn) Harry: Okay lets talk. via the messenger app. I can't quite describe the feelings that were surging through my body at that point but they were positive which felt so good after so long of negativity. Frantically tapping away at the numbers to unlock my phone, I messed up twice in the daze I was currently in. Despite how happy I was feeling I still kept myself calm and thought of the possibility he was just messaging to let me know completely he was finished with me. I acted surprised and questioned why he was talking to me now. He said that I wanted us to talk so he was finally doing so and I really did want us to talk, I didn't want to accept us ending on such a foul note. I had already sent him a couple of paragraphs through messenger in the past couple of weeks so I had nothing else to really tell him, as I had already. I continued to ask if there was anything he wanted to say and he said about how he felt hurt not because of my outburst but because everyone had turned on him. A saddened expression fell over my face as I looked at the screen and I was actually feeling sorry for him, I know for a fact I wouldn't of liked everyone turning on me either (even though they all did and always hung around Harry and shunted me out of the picture). I typed the next sentence with such meaning behind every word and hoped he felt it I didn't want everyone to turn on you like that, I just needed to talk to them about it and I'm sorry they did that because I really didn't want them getting involved, I just needed someone to vent to. With his next sentence I felt my face glistened with happiness and the weights of depression lift Well I'm over it now, feel free to add me back on everything as he went in a bit of a rage and removed me off everything. I felt the shards of my heart dislodge from my stomach and tape back together, relief and sheer happiness flooded my body and I never felt so better to drown in the feelings I now had.

I had already slipped off the call as soon as I saw his initial message and I hesitated before going downstairs to let my mum know. She was a little shocked and on edge, she wasn't happy with what Harry had said at all and her motherly instinct kicked him and wanted to keep me protected. She still accepted it though and was happy for me because she knew how much us being friends meant to me. After explaining it to the rest of my family as well I went back upstairs and added Harry back on everything. I felt so content and thrilled to finally see lil' Harry back on my Skype. Summer had started and it couldn't of started any better than it had!

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