Chapter Three

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The first week went quickly and she was relieved that it passed without incident. The job here was a Godsend with the accommodation, the food and the regular hours. They were long hours and she didn't get much time off but that suited her. What would she do with a day off anyway? Just sit around the bedsit as she didn't dare go out. Her food was replenished each day while she was working and she didn't question how. Demons had their own way of doing things. She'd discovered that Chris who ran the bar was a Djinn and a powerful one at that. He'd stopped the big Hunter from hurting her that first night which she was grateful for but she was under no illusions as he was happy to allow Shawn to hold her on his knee and put his hands all over her.

"It's your job," he coldly informed her when she glanced at him as she went to fetch more drinks.

"Yes sir," she replied, respectfully, going back and making no fuss when Shawn pulled her back onto his lap. She hated the Hunters though, even if they weren't going to take her now they still made her skin crawl. Shawn was a little easier to stomach, probably because he looked like a fallen angel but the bigger one was a pile of arrogant shit in her mind.

She'd managed to escape the notice of the master as well. He rarely appeared in Inferno, much preferring Hell where he observed every show with deep interest waited on by his favourite red head, a tall Amazonian looking woman who seemed completely in his thrall. But that night she wasn't quite so lucky.

A big, muscle bound man came in that night, attended by a small, weasley looking Demon with long black hair. She wasn't sure if the man was a Demon or Human or some other Fae being but he was huge. Her eyes took in his muscular frame, his piercing blue eyes and his cropped blonde hair as Chris told her she was to wait on him for the night. He saw her hesitate and leaned across the bar.

"Get your ass over there or the master will be down here before you can say Fire Pit."

"Yes sir. Sorry sir," she said, crossing the room quickly and taking position beside the man. The Demon looked at her with interest but his companion didn't even glance in her direction.

"Would you look at that Brock? They sent you a new girl. Must have worn the old one out. What do you want to drink?"

"Same as I usually have," Brock replied, shortly. The Demon gave a nervous laugh and turned to her, ordering their drinks. She almost flew to the bar to get them and then returned, placing them  on the table before resuming her position. Brock picked up his glass and drank moodily, looking about himself while his Demon watched his every move. It made her nervous seeing how anxious the small Demon was about the big man, but she wasn't paid to be nervous.

"Get me another," Brock said. She got to her feet and hesitated, looking at the Demon. "The fuck are you looking at him for? Fetch my damned drink!"

The big man started to get to his feet and she hurried to the bar, paling as Chris shook his head at her.

"Stop trying to preempt what he wants. Just serve him," he chided. "If he wants his Demon to drink he'll tell you.

"Sorry sir," she said and Chris relented a little.

"He's not an easy client. Just do exactly as he says."

She nodded and headed back with his drink, passing it across the table to him and then kneeling with her head down.

"Took you a long time to fetch this drink," he grumbled. She glanced up at him and swallowed hard.

"I am sorry, sir," she said and he glared.

"Did I ask you to speak? Keep your damn mouth shut fucking little Human bitch." A slight shiver went through her but she lowered her head again without a word. The Demon was watching them, a look of excitement on his face.

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