Chapter Twenty One

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The others left soon afterwards and Hope went to stand at the window overlooking the square which the club dominated. The enormous building was circled with a ring of brilliant flames tonight and she could see a queue of beings waiting to go in. She recognised the blonde Demon who had taken her round on her first night there standing at the doorway, a welcoming smile on his face. Her eyes were drawn to the blackened out windows and she pictured what would be happening inside, the girls knelt at the sides of the tables in Inferno waiting to serve the men and women there, Chris behind the bar overseeing proceedings and then her eyes drifted upwards to Hell, where Kane would be seated in his throne like chair, his favourite Demon most likely draped across him as he watched the performances or stared up at his cages, enjoying the torment of the men and women he had imprisoned in them. Or maybe he would be down in the dungeon tormenting her mother, who was not his blood. A shiver went through her and she turned away, finding herself staring at Hitman who was standing behind her, his arms folded across his chest.

"This plan of yours is a crock of shit," he informed her.

"You have something better?" she asked and he raised an eyebrow.

"Even if I don't it's still a crock of shit. I got you out of there and now you want to put yourself back in? What if he puts you straight in a cell? Or in one of those damn cages he's so fond of?"

"I don't think he will. And even if he did he would want to have me chipped first."

"And you think he'll let you just wander about? He's not stupid girl."

"Stupider than you think," she said. "He let you fool him with your games when you made me drink shots to piss him off enough that he'd send a fireball our way. You played a dangerous game then; he could have incinerated us both."

"I knew the risks," he replied arrogantly. Hope shook her head and looked away from him.

"And I know the risks now. Whether you like it or not I am going."

"That right is it? I could bind you with my thread and carry you away."

"No you couldn't. You would not let this world be destroyed. My mother must be restored to my father so that they can work out what has gone so wrong..."

"We all know the answer to that. It's me and you; that's what's gone wrong."

She stiffened a little at this and wrapped her arms round herself. Maybe he was right and if he was there might be only one ultimate solution to all of this,  but she kept that to herself. Sacrifices were a big thing in this world but he would not approve of that direction of thought at all. The silence between them dragged out for a moment and then he sighed roughly, crossing the room and wrapping his arms round her waist from behind.

"We've just sorted things out between us, Hope. And now I might lose you. I can't pretend to be happy about that."

"You won't lose me," she said softly.

"You don't know that." He nuzzled against her neck and she tilted her head to give him better access, enjoying his touch despite her fears. He kissed along her jawline and she turned to him, wrapping her arms round his neck as she leaned up to kiss him. He returned her kiss and then threaded his hands through her hair, gripping her and making the kiss more passionate than tender. She felt the heat in his hands and responded. He left her lips and returned to her throat, nipping and suckling leaving tiny marks from his teeth. His hands pushed her T-shirt out of the way and he caressed her over her bra before reaching round to unfasten it, pushing it down to give him better access. She allowed him to dominate her completely with his hands and his mouth and then he pushed her through to the bedroom in front of him and stood back. "Take it all off." The order was given in a heated tone which made her lick her lips as she obeyed. He smiled and then looked at her. "Will you kneel down for me?" he asked. She did as she was told immediately and he crossed the room to stand in front of her, grabbing her hair in his fist and tilting her head back. Her lips parted and she reached up to unbuckle his belt, her eyes on his the whole time. He watched her with hooded eyes as she removed his belt, carefully placing it beside her and then she unbuttoned his jeans, looking askance of him before she pulled them down. As soon as he was free she took him in her mouth and he threw his head back, his grip on her hair almost painful as she brought him to climax.

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