Chapter Fourteen

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The atmosphere in the kitchen the following morning remained tense between Hitman and Hope. The others talked around them as the two sat in silence, Hope with her head bowed and Hitman brooding, his eyes never leaving her. Juniper sat beside Hope and that was the only time the girl looked up, a small smile passing across her face.

"I'm sorry to say that I think there is only one thing to be done," said Drew, quietly when they had all finished eating. They looked at him expectantly and he sighed. "Hitman you have to finish the job; you have to take her to Reaper."

"No!" cried Juniper and Sheamus stared at him like he'd grown another head. Hitman though was looking at Hope. She cleared her throat.

"He is right," she said, softly. "I don't know who Reaper is or why he wants me but the woman who is masquerading as my mother didn't want him to take me. My instincts tell me she is dangerous and if nothing else Reaper needs to know this."

"And this is what you want?" Juniper asked, softly. Hope nodded, glancing at Hitman.

"Once the job is done he can get on with his business and I am ready to accept my fate, whatever that might be," she said. Hitman glared at her and his hand twitched at his side, but she didn't react, just looked away miserably.

"Will it be safe for them to travel alone?" Juniper asked and Drew shook his head.

"We'll accompany them. Fair folk magic might be the only way of getting them there safely."

"Never needed help before," said Hitman stiffly and Drew smiled across at him.

"Never faced a being like the one pretending to be Persephone before," he countered. Hitman considered this and then nodded.

"Ok, but me and her need some privacy," he said, gesturing at Hope who paled at his words. Sheamus though nodded.

"You won't even know we're there," he assured him.

Rolling his eyes Hitman swore under his breath as Sheamus launched into another song at the top of his lungs.

"Won't know he's there. The whole of the fucking Fae Realm will know exactly where he is. Wouldn't be so bad if he could actually sing," he grumbled, pulling on the thread at Hope's wrists to try and put some distance between them and the singing Irish man. Drew laughed.

"Has a purpose, man. Sheamus' singing is drawing out the little folk and they love him so they'll protect him at any cost. They're observing us pass and will send anyone who asks in the opposite direction."

"I'd like to go in the opposite direction," Hitman retorted. Drew and Juniper exchanged a look and laughed, but Hope remained silent and unmoved by either the raucous singing or the Hitman's response. She was lost in her own thoughts, frightened of what lay ahead. At first when they set off Hitman had attempted to take her hand but when she recoiled he just swore and stormed ahead, yanking a little harder on the thread than was strictly necessary so that she stumbled. He was angry that she hadn't accepted his apology the night before and frustrated because she hadn't moved towards him as she'd slept and he wanted nothing more than to hold her. Since he'd seen those pictures and then her memory of John he'd wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms and make things right between them, but she wouldn't let him. He'd done everything he could, carrying her bag for her, finding her sneakers so she could walk comfortably, returning her necklace to her, speaking calmly and kindly,  not raising his voice or showing any signs of his frustration but as the hours ticked by she still gave him silence and would not meet his gaze for any longer than a few seconds. And she had managed to keep herself entirely away from him while she slept, not a murmur coming from her. He'd waited to hear his one time name on her lips but she hadn't spoken it, seeming to sleep the dreamless sleep of the dead. As he put some distance between them and their companions he suddenly hauled her to his side, putting his arm round her shoulders and pinning her to him as he leaned down to speak to her. "You gonna keep this up all the way to Reaper? Not accepting my apology. Not speaking to me."

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