Chapter Eight

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The streets were quiet as they walked through the next town. Hitman was more relaxed here because it was a predominantly Human town and there was nothing here that could threaten him. It was also a town he was pretty familiar with as he had done a lot of work here one way or another. Limbo Human Station One was where most Humans ended up when they first arrived here. Often they were confused and looking for guidance which made them easy prey for Demons or Fae. He'd been tasked with finding strong men, pretty girls, nameless faces to fulfil the needs of Fae or Demons, sometimes with a description and sometimes without. Those were usually quick, easy jobs that paid well and gave him the least hassle. Even the strongest Human was no match for him and his arsenal of tricks. Without doubt his pink thread had come in handy every time because it was completely unbreakable and if it was a short enough journey he'd simply bind his prey and toss them over his shoulder, carrying them to their destination. He couldn't do the whole leaping thing too frequently because it was draining but if it was a quick job it was easy enough and he had plenty of time to recover.

Hope was very quiet now, the journey taking its toll on her despite the use of the silver liquid and him again slowing things down for her. He was wary that the Hunters would continue to follow them, especially now Shawn's ego had taken a hit, but for now they were resting up and the big Hunter needed time to heal. Silver liquid would barely scratch the surface of his bullets and it would take a while for that huge hole in his hand to repair. It seemed as well they were fully aware of how close they were to Reaper's home and only a fool would mess with him. Kane was more likely to hurt you in an instant but Reaper went in for the long game. Hitman gave an involuntary shiver; he wasn't exactly afraid of either Kane or Reaper but he wasn't a fool either.

He was aware suddenly that Hope had taken her bag from her back to retrieve her water bottle and watched out of the corner of his eye as she took a long drink as they walked. She looked about herself curiously, taking in the drab grey buildings, the iron coloured sky and the number of lost looking folk wandering the streets without purpose. None of them were panicked, just walking about with bemused expressions on their faces. There were a few who had been here longer who would interact, offer help. Sometimes the help was genuine, sometimes it was a scam to profit the person offering it. Hitman had no opinion on it either way; you did what you had to in order to survive.

Hope suddenly froze though, as he felt the pink thread between them pull. Figuring she was putting her water bottle away he paused, turning to face her, but she was staring across the street at a girl. The girl was pretty with thick chestnut hair, blue eyes and a smattering of freckles across her nose. She was dressed in a white knee length dress and Hitman could see she was pretty new here. Most arrived with the white dress but then found their own style once they settled. He gave a gentle tug on the thread but she didn't move.

"We need to be moving, girl," he said, but she looked across at him, her eyes shining with tears.

"That's Leah," she said, her voice choked with emotion. It took Hitman a moment to understand who she meant but then he remembered her talking about the girl who stole her first boyfriend.

"So she's got her comeuppance. Come on, we need to move. You want your ass beating because you wanted to look at a new inmate?"

"Please sir," she begged. "Please let me talk to her."

He scowled and then looked between her and the other girl.

"She won't know who you are," he said, a little harshly.

"She might," she said, desperately. Hitman shrugged.

"Go ahead but you should know I mean what I say." The threat hung between them, but she scurried across to the other girl anyway. She'd take a beating if talking to Leah gave her some answers.

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