Chapter Twenty Two

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"You knew this was part of the plan," Sheamus said, as he led Hitman away from Hell. "I should never have let you talk me into checking on them. Come on. Sooner we find the dungeons sooner we can get them all out of here."

Hitman followed him in silence, wanting nothing more than to storm into Hell and free his girl, to carry her out in his arms. But he knew he had to follow Sheamus down the stairs towards where the dungeons were. Nobody stopped them; their disguises held the insignia of the Fire Lord and so everybody assumed they were staff. There were that many Humans and Demons working at the Fire Pit and turnover of staff was high so nobody commented. They passed a kitchen area where a harassed looking Human was bellowing out orders to her staff; the head chef of the Fire Pit and further down the cellars where stocks of wine, beer and spirits were kept. And then the stairs became narrower and darker. They reached a door which required a pass and Hitman withdrew his amulet, holding it up to the lock. The door swung open and Sheamus grinned.

"Does that have Fae magic?" he asked.

"No, Death magic," replied Hitman bleakly.

"Useful," Sheamus commented. Hitman led the way down the staircase until they came out into a narrow corridor with several doors leading off it. He wished he had his visor with him to look inside but they had left it at the hotel fearing it was too noticeable; something everybody who knew him associated with Hitman. He only hoped he would have time to return to the hotel to collect it and the rest of their stuff.

They split up on the corridor taking opposite sides to look through the doors. There were a number of store rooms and Hitman opened the door to the tattoo parlour, muttering that he had been asked to send the big man up to Inferno to see a client. He watched as the big man ambled off amiably and shrugged, wondering how such a cheerful being could be in the service of the Fire Lord. Sheamus suddenly called him over.

"Here. Leads to another set of stairs," he said. Hitman followed him down, feeling a sense of impending doom as they found themselves on a corridor lined with bars. He hurried along it but the cells were empty. With a sinking feeling he wondered if Persephone had already been moved when he heard a small cry from behind one of the cells. Looking inside he saw another door at the rear of the cell. He gestured at it to Sheamus who nodded. The Warrior took a small vial from his pocket and opened it, blowing the contents at the cell within a cell. It illuminated the door which had been invisible to them and Hitman hurried across, withdrawing his amulet which caused the door to spring open.

Inside, hanging by her wrists was a beautiful woman with long auburn hair, a round face flushed with youth and a curved body encased in a pure white gown. Her head had been hanging down but she looked up as they approached, her eyes blazing with a mixture of green and lilac fire. She was so like Hope that Hitman paused before he took his amulet and pressed it to the manacles. Nothing happened and he swore under his breath.

"Now what?" he asked Sheamus. The woman looked between them.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Friends," said Sheamus, dropping the hood of his cloak to show his real face before he pulled it up again and transformed back into the Demon. "Any ideas how we remove these?"

"He used his fire to bind them. Holy water might remove them," she said, in a strained voice. Hitman looked at Sheamus and the Warrior nodded, rummaging through his bag which was hidden under the cloak.

"Anything you haven't got in there?" asked Hitman and Sheamus shrugged.

"The missus packed it for me; she's very much a just in case kind of a woman. Ah yes, here we go." He took out a slim vial and opened it, pouring the contents over both manacles which hissed and steamed before they fell away. The woman pitched forwards and Hitman caught her.

Death's HitmanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang