Chapter Twenty Five

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Looking around the bothy, Hope could see that every door and window was surrounded in Hitman's thread. There was no way out and no way in without his knowledge. She had no desire to be away from him but she wasn't sure how she could persuade him to take her to where she needed to be. He would certainly not approve of what she knew she needed to do. Contemplating this she looked across the room to where he was sitting, his visor hiding his eyes and his head moving a little as he observed whatever image it was he was looking at. The effects of the Black Room were gradually wearing off and she was no longer afraid he would lock her in a room again, but then if he knew what she had planned she had no doubt he would be furious. And then who knew what he would do? She did not necessarily trust him to keep his word about not shutting her away as he had promised it before but then done it anyway when he was angry  and jealous.

Hitman removed his visor and sighed, rubbing a hand across his forehead.

"Kane is still trapped in the cage. His club has been closed while they try to free him. Interestingly his favourite little Demon has taken the opportunity to flee. Not sure I'd like to be her when he does manage to escape," he said, with a laugh of amusement. "The Hunters have left the Brood, who it appears will not accompany them. Gangrel appears underwhelmed by them and despite days of campaigning and seeking audience with him the Brotherhood of Blood remains loyal to your father. Gangrel had that snake and dagger symbol displayed throughout his club just before the Hunters scarpered so I don't know what they will do next. For now they are holed up in a house in a Neutral Zone. I cannot see your grandmother; she has blocked my visor from tracing her but I can see that the surrounding area is free from threat for now. Not sure that will last too much longer though so we should be ready to leave I reckon tomorrow morning. If we set off at first light we can put some distance between here and Reaper's house."

"Where will we go?" asked Hope, tentatively and he shrugged.

"Wherever the road takes us," he replied, getting up and stretching. "Think I'll shower. You ok? You need anything?"

"No sir," she replied, automatically and he scowled. "Sorry. It's a difficult habit to break."

"Well I guess I can let sir slide but you call me master and it'll be a whole other conversation," he said, giving her a small smile, though she didn't think for a moment that he was joking. As he disappeared into the bathroom she listened for the shower coming on and then carefully picked up the visor, placing it over her eyes and hoping that as he had allowed her access before it would work. To her relief it recognised her and she was able to ask it to show her her mother first. She saw Persephone and Reaper standing together at a window, her father with his arms round her mother, his chin rested on her shoulder from behind. They looked worried and she sighed, knowing the worry was for her, but at least they were together.

"Show me the crone," she instructed quietly. The visor crackled with static for a moment and she held her breath until it revealed an image of an ancient being in a cave, the shimmer of the sea in the background. Eyes like opals suddenly filled her gaze, seeming to look directly at her and she made a small noise of fear, removing the visor hastily and placing it back where Hitman had left it. The shower had shut off and she looked warily towards the bathroom door but it was still closed. She didn't want him knowing she'd used the visor without his permission as she was worried he would not like that. When Hitman emerged he looked at her for a moment suspiciously. She was fidgety and had a guilty expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" he asked. She gave him a slightly startled look and he sighed. "What have you done?"

"N... nothing," she lied, then changed the subject swiftly. "Have you ever been to the sea?"

He was thoughtful and then nodded.

"Once tracked a couple of Sirens for a club master. He wanted to add them to his repertoire so I caught them and brought them in for him."

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