Chapter Four

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Hitman looked at the girl who was trembling so violently he could see it from where he was sat. He wondered if she seriously didn't know who Reaper was; if she didn't she must be the only being in the whole of Limbo who didn't. But if she didn't then she didn't know why he wanted her. He narrowed his eyes and started to focus on just how he'd remove her from the Fire Pit. Kane didn't just tag his staff, he also inserted chips into their arms. He would need to remove the chip first or they'd be easily tracked. Considering this he lifted his visor from his pocket and placed it over his eyes, tapping into it and finding information on Fire Pit chips. According to what he read the only way to remove it was a live flame from Kane. Hitman was thoughtful; he'd need to get the Fire Lord pissed enough to throw a flame in his direction or better still in hers. He nodded, a plan forming in his mind.

"Get me a drink," he ordered.

"What would you like sir?" she asked softly. He narrowed his eyes and then smiled a nasty smile.

"Surprise me," he replied. His answer frightened her because if she got it wrong she didn't know what the consequence of that would be. She murmured to Chris what he'd said and the barman shrugged.

"Your call," he replied. "I just pour the drinks."

"Maybe whiskey and coke?" she suggested weakly. Chris nodded and poured it. Nervously she carried it to him and placed it on the table. He looked at it for a moment and then picked it up and launched it across the bar.

"Wrong choice," he said, quietly, his voice filled with menace. "Clean that up then try again!" He watched as she silently gathered the shards of glass and then returned to the bar. Chris shook his head as she ordered something else. This time  Hitman ordered her to drink the neat vodka shot. She balked at this, knowing she wasn't allowed to drink on duty. He raised a threatening hand and she immediately complied, downing the shot. "Get another. Same again and you drink it again."

Chris observed another four shots go down the same way and felt his skin prickle with nerves. Their master would know she was drunk. Sure enough moments later Kane appeared, his face like thunder. Without preamble he grabbed the girl and yanked on her ponytail. She couldn't focus on him though and giggled drunkenly. Disgusted Kane pushed her away.

"This how you treat your guests? I paid my money for your Human bitch to get drunk on my drinks?" Hitman raged. Kane whirled round and seeing Hitman his expression faltered somewhat. Hitman gave him a long stare and shifted his leather jacket slightly revealing a silver shotgun. Kane straightened, watching him a little warily before he turned his attention back on the girl. His eyes started to burn with fire and she sobered quickly, a terrified cry escaping her lips. Hitman got to his feet and grabbed her as fire shot from Kane's fingertips, angling her so that only her arm was caught by the blaze. Deftly he caught the chip and tucked it in his pocket. Kane observed the girl fall to her knees sobbing, nodded at  Hitman and then headed back up the stairs to Hell. Chris stared at the waitress, waiting for her to look up so that he could assess if she could continue working, but then Hitman got in his face. "I want a room with this girl. Least you can do to compensate me."

"You made her drink..." Chris started to say but he swallowed his words as Hitman met his gaze steadily, his eyes flashing dangerously. "Through there. She'll take you to her room." He nodded and then hauled the girl up. In a daze of alcohol and pain she led him to her room where he took the key from her and pushed her into the room ahead of him. He placed the chip on the bed and then grabbed her bag, throwing everything he could find that was hers into it. She stood shaking and sobbing by the door, cradling her arm. Hitman turned to her frustrated but then paused as his eyes took in the angry burn on her arm. With a sigh he reached into the inside pocket of his jacket withdrawing a vial of silver liquid. Pulling the lid off with his teeth he tipped the bottle until a single drop fell on her damaged flesh. She gasped and then stared as her arm was completely healed.

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