Chapter Twenty

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"Zone Seven? What the hell do they want there?" asked Drew curiously.

"They're likely to get their asses handed to them," replied Hitman, grinning. They were approaching the border but paused, all of them looking at him curiously. "Come on Juniper; you at least should know what is in Zone Seven with all your charitable work." The Elf glared at him, unsure if he was mocking her but then her face settled.

"The Blood Clubs," she said, softly, her eyes widening. "Why would they go there?"

"Recruiting I'd imagine," Hitman said with a shrug. "Maybe they think they can get the Brood to join them, or the Extremists."

"The Brood and the Extremists work only for themselves," Juniper said.

"But one of them was at the Fire Pit; had the audacity to beat Reaper's daughter in front of her uncle."

"Brock?" Juniper paled slightly. "He would never be recruited by them. He's  more likely to destroy them."

"Well at least it would save us the trouble," Drew commented. Sheamus looked disappointed.

"And here I was looking forward to a fair fight."

"Hunters don't do fair," Drew replied.

"No, they are liars and cheats," Juniper said, darkly. Drew squeezed her hand.

"No doubt we'll have the opportunity to fight them at some point, keep you and Sheamus happy, hen."

Juniper nodded but her face dropped a little as they approached the border. Again they had no trouble entering the zone and as they left the grey misery of Two behind Hope sighed with relief. Juniper smiled down at her.

"You will be ok here, sweet child," she said and Hope smiled back at her automatically until she saw Hitman watching and dropped her gaze. He led them swiftly along a navy road and up to a cobalt blue building, pressing his amulet to the door and then leading them inside to a bright and airy house. It was set over three floors, with living space on the ground floor and then two bedrooms apiece on the upper floors. As he removed the thread from Hope's wrists he leaned in to her.

"I'm ordering you not to kneel here or call me master,  girl. Understood?"

"Yes, m... sir," she corrected herself and he patted her cheek.

"Good girl," he said. "Now come sit with us to look at the map." She did as she was told, sliding into the seat beside Juniper who took her hand and gently squeezed it in a familiar and comforting gesture much to his chagrin. Narrowing his eyes he placed his arm across the back of Hope's chair and she hastily withdrew her hand from Juniper's.

"You might be the only one of us whose been here, Hitman," Drew said.

"It's an easy enough Zone. There's just the one long street, most of the houses are like this one. I'll be able to scan each house from here with my visor, so me and Hope will stay here. Perhaps if you split, one go one way and one another to check the street?"

"Great," said Sheamus. "Sooner we get out sooner we can take a minute to eat, shower and sleep."

Hitman nodded and watched as the other three got up and headed out. He then turned to Hope who shrank a little under his gaze.

"I don't want you holding her hand."

"Yes, master," she said.

"Told you not to call me that," he said quietly.

"Nobody is here to hear but you, master," she replied, briefly meeting his gaze.

"You doing it to piss me off,  girl?" he challenged.

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