I Saw Her

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'What are you thinking about?' a voice interrupted my thoughts.

'I don't know, life.'

She inhaled, she grabbed my head but didn't make eye contact. Instead, she stared out the window and said 'All of our lives are messed up in some way or another, us more than others. But we have each other'.

Half an hour later, my thoughts kept giving me their intrusive company. Therefore, I make an effort to distract my self by looking out the window, just anything, anything at all.

My eyes trace from the bottom to top of humongous trees, emerald and gorgeous but not enough. Intriguingly, I spot a squirrel trying to climb up a tree but evidently failing. Suddenly, I have this urge to help him but I can't help it, I want Emaline to meet her mom because I don't when I realized it but this trip is mentally exhausting. I'm mentally exhausted.

In the next few seconds, I spot a peculiar woman who shockingly looks hella similar to my mother. Wait. My mother?

'Stop the car'. I exclaim in a unintended demanding manner.

'What? What's wrong?'

'I think I saw her'.

"Saw who?'

'My...' I can't help but just get out the car and try to find her. Every vein in my body feels like it's bursting open and closing. Likewise, my heart starts racing, I suddenly have no control over my breathing. Mom. 

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