Mighty Kimhan Theerapanyakul

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Vegas pov.

After making a deal with Kinn I couldn't wait to go home and kick Kim out. It's about time that this terror will leave us alone. I'm due for some Pete time without an annoying brat in the way.

After driving for 20 minutes Vegas arrives at the minor family mansion where Macau was waiting for him with furrowed brows pacing before the front door.

He was gone for less than an hour and if looks could kill somebody would have died today.

I guess Kim has done something to piss him of again. That jealous little bitch can't handle seeing nong Porchay and Macau together. I think it's great, it will teach that devil incernated child of Korn his place.

"Hello my little bro, did you miss me na?"

"HIA IF YOU DON'T KICK KIM OUT NOW I WILL PUT THIS HOUSE ON FIRE WITH HIM IN IT!" He yelled while pulling his hair in frustration.

"Macau don't wory your little brain, hia is taking care of it! Just wait and see!" He said with his signature evil smirk. Everyone knew what this smirk mend, oh Kim was so in trouble.

Kim didn't know that he had unlocked Vegas wratch giving him a place to burn in the minor family's hell.

His little brother kept complaining but he wasn't having any of it cause he had a child to terrorise rightnow. Just like taking candy from a baby, only this time it will be taking Kim's life a way and trowing him to the enemies.

"Macau, bro if you could stop sulking and complaining for a minute and just follow and listen I can garantie you that you will be proud of your older brother. Does that sound good to you?" With a raised brow Macau seems convinced for now.

"We will see but you better make it worth my time or I will get the gasoline to grill Kim!"

That sadistic glim in his eyes is probably inferit from our father. Atleast we had something in commen with him.

"Don't worry Kim will be gone by tonight!"

"What if he doesn't want to leave or comes back?" Macau asked with a pouty look thinking about having to deal with Kim for another day.

"Oh he won't, Porsche will never let him leave again. HAHAHA KIMMYBOY YOU ARE DOOMED!" He yelled scaring all the guards around them.

No one dared to even look at their boss knowing that it could cost them their heads to.


Kim's pov.

All of a sudden I felt chills run down my spine. Is someone cursing me. I hope not, I still need to get my angel back.

Thinking about my angel why haven't I seen him here with that brat Macau for the past two days.

Did something happen or this stealing bitch locked my baby up in his room? I should go and see.

Not even one step outside my room I see Vegas smiling at me. Did I piss him of today, hmm I don't think I did. Is that why I felt shivers. The devil has his eyes on me, this is bad.

"Vegas, my favorite cousin what can I do for you today?" I gave him my best fake smile while trying to surpress my nervous voice.

"Kimmyboy I have a suprise for you and I bet you will love it!"

That smirk is only growing bigger and even Macau is smirking. Those evil brothers look really like uncle Kan rightnow. Never thought I would say this but they are kinda scary.

"Are we having a guest or did you close a big deal?" This suspense is making me nervous.

"Yes, a family dinner and you are invited as well! Great right!" Okay this is bad, I need to run know.

Looking around I noticed that I had nowhere to go. So here goes nothing.

I started running towards Vegas and Macau trying to reach the stairs but before I could cross Vegas he kicked me in the balls.

"AAAGGHH IDIOT MY PRIDE, KIM JUNIOR ARE YOU ALRIGHT, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" I yelled in pain while those stupid brothers where laughing at my missery. I hope they choke from laughing.

Remind me to get back at them when they least expect it. "Don't worry I will make sure you two will pee blood to someday! Better watch out for your dicks cause they will be gone anyday now!"

"My dear cousin hope you will life long enough for that but you will have to ask P'Porsche first!" What is Macau talking about did they trick me? No did Vegas mean it when he said he will send me to Porsche if I did something wrong again.

Not over my dead body, they will have to carry me out cause I am not leaving.

"Ha, I'm not coming, go alone to that stupid dinner you idiots." I tried getting up but with a broken dick it is a little hard.

"DID I SAY YOU HAD A CHOICE, OH MY SWEET LITTLE COUSIN YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT THIS!" He said in English. With that being said Vegas approached me and pulled out a rope out of nowhere and tied me up.

I couldn't move or feel my fingers anymore but who would I be if I gave up this soon.

"How pathetic a rope will never stop me from escaping! I am the Kimhan Theerapanyakul and no one can catch me alive!"

Or they can, cause he ducktaped my mouth and trew me over his shoulder and in to the back of the car while two of his guards and Macau went to sit on me.

Looks like my life is over and I still had so many things I wanted to do in my life.

Like kissing Chay, taking him on a date, having him all in my mercy while he moans and screams my name. Okay maybe getting horny is not the righttime now but still those doe eyes froze my brain for good.

Sorry angel if I don't survive it was your brother's fault and these two bitches.

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