Chapter 11

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The Mu Mansion is full of wedding preparations with many rules. Qingyuan approached Fang Duobing, Di Feisheng and Li Lianhua with a tired face. "Why does your face look like you want to cry?" Fang Duobing asked while holding back his laughter.

"Do you need to ask? I have to go to try on dozens of wedding dresses that my aunt made. My body is all stiff." Qingyuan complained. "Lao Di, you also wear dozens of clothes?" Fang Duobing asked curiously.

"They wouldn't dare. Many ran away, I saw them." Qingyuan said. "What are you saying?" Li Lianhua asked confusedly. "They asked if I was Di Fengsheng from Jinyuan Alliance. I said yes and they ran away." Di Feisheng obviously relaxed.

Fang Duobing laughed loudly. Li Lianhua suppressed his smile. Qingyuan looked at Di Feisheng enviously. "I want to sleep." Said Qingyuan lying his head on the stone table. "You can't sleep here." Di Feisheng protested but Qingyuan was already asleep.

Li Lianhua took Qingyuan's pulse and sighed. "How?" Di Feisheng asked. "His pulse is very chaotic. At this rate he will probably be in danger." Li Lianhua explained.

"Can't Yang Zhou Man save him?" Di Feisheng asked. "Yesterday I wanted to use it but his aunt stopped me. Zhou Man wouldn't be able to save him. The only one who can save him now is himself. His aunt said that every generation in their family must have someone like them. His grandfather had one, his father's brother chose to die and next generation don't know what it's going to be like?" Li Lianhua said sadly.

"What does it mean?" Di Feisheng asked confusedly. "His aunt said that grandfather Qingyuan's generation was also his father, Zhang Qing had brothers. His brother was poisoned, Zhang Qing was in order to help his younger brother. Zhang Qing broke family rules but managed to save his younger brother. Zhang Qing was almost expelled from the family but his younger brother didn't accept it and left the family and even abandoned Zhang family for the sake of Zhang Qing." Fang Duobing explained.

"Qingyuan's father, Zhang Ling, had a brother who was also poisoned. But his younger brother committed suicide so that Zhang Ling wouldn't break the rules. This generation, A Yuan was the one who was poisoned." Li Lianhua added. "But A Yuan doesn't have any brothers." Di Feisheng said.

"He has a twin brother. But his father sent his mother and brother out of the Zhang Family to protect their lives. At that time A Yuan was still small so it's possible that A Yuan doesn't remember." Li Lianhua explained.

"Identical faces?" Di Feisheng asked. "Yeah, same face." Fang Duobing replied. "But he is an ordinary person, not a Jianghu person. This family of theirs can only do business." Fang Duobing explained.

"I'd better take him back." Di Feisheng said lifting Qingyuan and taking him away. "Will they stay as they are now? Or will they break up?" Fang Duobing asked.

"I don't know but no matter what. I hope he can live." Li Lianhua said. "But he said he was very tired. He still said there was a next life. He wanted to be an ordinary person." Fang Duobing said.

"I think everyone also has a dream of being an ordinary person." Li Lianhua said calmly. "I think so too." Fang Duobing said. "After this, what do you want to do?" Fang Duobing asked. Li Lianhua looked at Fang Duobing.

"What can I do? You won't leave me alone. Where you go, I'll go with you. However, I can't run away from you. Not working, fishing, planting plants and sunbathing." Li Lianhua said casually. "Of course, I won't let you escape again. It won't be possible." Fang Duobing said firmly.

"Didn't you see his face when he was looking for you? It's not nice to look at. He's still crying." said Di Feisheng who had just arrived. "Your face is even more desperate so you don't deserve to criticize me." Fang Duobing protested. Then they argued for a long time before finally fighting.

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