Chapter 12

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Qingyuan wakes up from his sleep and finds his aunt, Zhang Hua there. "Auntie, what's wrong?" Qingyuan asked sitting down. "I've heard everything from Yuchen. You are a man, not a woman." Zhang Hua said flatly.

Qingyuan opened his mouth to speak but closed it again. "I know, that's a family rule. You're the head of the family but I'm your aunt. You can tell me so I won't be a fool preparing for the wedding so enthusiastically!" Zhang Hua said angrily.

"Auntie, I'm sorry. But this wedding must continue. I know you will be disappointed. I still have to do it. I..." Qingyuan's words trailed off. Qingyuan's tears flowed unconsciously. "I know, you want to avenge your father. I won't stop you. Remember to protect yourself." Zhang Hua said sighing.

Zhang Hua walked over to Qingyuan and hugged him. "I always thought you had no feelings but it turns out you're still like a child." Zhang Hua said patting Qingyuan's back lightly. Qingyuan cried in Zhang Hua's arms.

At first Zhang Hua wanted to throw a tantrum but after seeing Qingyuan's tears. She lost her anger, someone who never cried at all since childhood. Now suddenly crying in front of her, whose heart wouldn't melt.

Qingyuan fell asleep again. When Qingyuan woke up again, it was already 7 am. Qingyuan immediately got up, after all, today was his wedding day.

Qingyuan infiltrated Di Feisheng's room. There were Li Lianhua and Fang Duobing. Di Feisheng was already wearing his wedding clothes. "You've returned to your original face." Fang Duobing said.

"My aunt already knows. There's no need to keep secrets from her anymore. Give me your hand." Qingyuan said smiling. The three stretched out their hands. Qingyuan put a medicine in the hands of the three. "Eat." Qingyuan said. The three complied. "Li Lianhua, it's not an emergency. You can't appear in the crowd but you can attend this event with your mask on." Qingyuan said calmly.

"Where are you going?" Fang Duobing asked. "My aunt will be coming to do my make-up in a moment so I have to go back." Qingyuan said flatly before leaving. "Don't you think he's more relaxed?" Fang Duobing asked. "After all, he doesn't need to keep his identity a secret anymore, of course he is relaxed now." Li Lianhua said.

"I decided no matter what. Once this is over, I will tell A Yuan my identity." Di Feisheng said suddenly. "You should have done it sooner." Li Lianhua said happily. Fang Duobing agreed.

Fang Duobing and Li Lianhua went to visit Qingyuan which her aunt, Zhang Hua, had finished making up. "Are you sure they'll screw up?" Fang Duobing asked. Qingyuan nodded.

"Zhang Mengzhu, there is new information." Zhang Fu said coming in. "There are members of the Mu family who are being held hostage by them." Zhang Fu added. "I know. You can go watch them again." Qingyuan explained.

"I want to know when I fell asleep yesterday and didn't wake up at all. Did something strange happen?" Qingyuan asked. "Not in your family, but around your residence there are quite suspicious people." Fang Duobing explained.

"Baichuan Court came quite a lot of people. You guessed right, Yang Yunchun also came." Li Lianhua added. "I think my uncle asked Baichuan Court for help. No matter what, they are professionals. You should be more careful." Qingyuan said.

"Why are you so afraid?" Li Lianhua asked suddenly. "I'm not afraid but I don't want to have anything to do with palace people. Besides, your student has a princess waiting for him. I can't possibly kill her, right?" Qingyuan asked. Fang Duobing immediately became alert.

"But Fang Duobing, if I have to choose. I will choose Li Lianhua and slaughter your future father-in-law if he dares to hurt Li Lianhua." Qingyuan said coldly.

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