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After an extremely tearful goodbye, I'm finally sat on the plane. I just stare out of the window, not wanting anyone else to see my red, puffy face. Everyone was crying, even though we promised not to. I always reminded them and myself that it's just a few months, but I still gave them goodbye gifts.

For my mother, a painted portrait of Maddie and I. The main reason I'm going to London this semester is because this fancy school has an amazing art program that could get me into any art school I wanted. Mom has always adored my talent, and I wanted to make her something extra special.

For Maddie, a necklace of mine that she's always wanted. It's beautiful, but the dark blue gem goes better with her blonde hair than it does with my dark hair. And I know it meant a lot to her.

For Claire, my hardest goodbye, was a scrapbook. I've been putting it together since we were 14 for when we graduated, but I figured this was a better time. We've been best friends since first grade, so there was plenty of great pictures to use. And I got a huge scrapbook with lots of room so we can keep adding to it as we get older. Mom cried over that one, too.

I give the city a silent goodbye as the plane leaves. I've never loved New York, but leaving it makes me love it so much. I pull on my headphones and put a movie on the screen in front of me, praying that this eight hour trip goes by fast.

Of course, it doesn't. I'm so ready to leave this plane once we finally land, but everyone else is, too. I'm able to keep patient, but my nerves about being in a new country make me more anxious to get out.

I sit at the luggage claim, waiting for my large suitcases to arrive. As I wait, I text Marie that I'm here.

Me: landed!!! just waiting for my stuff now. SOOO excited to see you guys!!!!!!

Marie: AHHH!!! here and can't wait!!!

I promised my mother I'd text her, too. And Claire and Maddie. To make it easier, I just create a group chat.

Me: guess who's a London girl now...

Mom: You landed safely!! Praise the Lord. I love you sweetie. What time is it there?

Me: almost nine. ready to get some sleep.



Me: nope <3 anyway i see my luggage. I'll update you guys later. much much love.

Claire: Millions of kisses from me.

Maddie: Me too!

I smile as I click my phone off and slip it in my back pocket. I grab my two suitcases, thankful that I go to the gym as I stroll them to the greeting area. I glance around for my new family, but don't see them. Since it's a fancy school, we actually live in dorms, and I'll be rooming with Marie. But I'm required to have a legal guardian within the country, so that's where Marie's parents come in.


I turn and break into a smile as I see Marie holding a large sign. Her long, dark hair is pulled up into a bun which is falling apart. I walk as fast as I can to her, immediately embracing her in a hug. I'm very glad we've been texting the past few months and getting to know each other so this wouldn't be so awkward.

"Oh my God, it's you!" She says in an accent that always makes me giggle. It never occurred to me that I'll be constantly surrounded by the accent now.

"I'm finally here!" I laugh. "Where are your parents?"

Marie rolls her eyes, rolling her sign into a tube. "Hospital. There was a bad car crash so they were needed. I wanted them to be here."

"Um, that's okay. I think the patients need them more than I do."

"You're a better person than me." She grins, taking one of my suitcases. "I already set up my side of the dorm. I'll help you get started tonight with making the bed so you can sleep. Then we can finish tomorrow."

"Sounds good,"

I've seen millions of photos and videos of the campus online, but it's somehow even prettier in person. Even though it's dark outside, the streetlights help guide us to our dorm building. There's not many students out since the rest of them had all day to settle in. I have a couple of hours to settle in, and then I start classes tomorrow at 8 AM. After an eight hour flight with no sleep, it's not ideal. But with my mix of anxiety and excitement in the morning, I'll have no issue getting up. I'm not even sure if I'll sleep tonight.

We push my stuff into our room, which is luckily bigger than I expected. I get my own bed, desk, set of drawers, nightside table, and closet with room to spare. For now, we just set my stuff in the corner. I pull out my bedsheets and pillow case, getting help from Marie setting up my bed and making it look nice and cozy. Since I'm in a bit of a groove, I go ahead and sort all of my clothes into the closet and drawers. I decide to leave up decor for tomorrow, so we grab our shower caddies and head to the bathroom. It's huge, with a bunch of stalls in one area and a bunch of showers in another. There's a few other girls in here, none of which pay us any mind.

Marie and I both take quick showers, both of us ready to sleep. I wrap my hair in a towel and pull on a baggy shirt and some pajama pants behind the safety of the shower curtain before stepping out, seconds before Marie.

"Ready for bedtime? You've got a big day tomorrow."

I nod with a grin and follow her back to our room. I pull out my phone and dial my mom's number, putting the phone on speaker and setting it on my desk so I can get all of my stuff ready for tomorrow.

"Skylar!" She exclaims the second she picks up. "Ugh, I miss you!"

"Hi mom," I say with a laugh as I sort through my closet to plan an outfit. The school doesn't require uniforms, which is really a miracle. "How's it going?"

"Who cares? How's it in London?"

Marie laughs at my mother with me. "Haven't seen much yet, but at least I'm here. I miss you guys, though. Oh, say hi to my roommate."

"Hello!" Marie calls out before resuming the show on her laptop.

"Hi dear!" Mom replies. "So, what are you doing now? About to sleep?"

"Yeah, I'm just getting ready for the morning. I was able to unpack everything except decoration, which I'll just finish tomorrow." I finally decide on an outfit, setting the clothes on my bare desk. I want to look cute but not extra. Baggy cargo jeans, platform Converse, and a fitted long sleeved black shirt. It's not too hot outside, but Marie says the classrooms are always frigid, so I add a purple NYU vintage sweatshirt to the pile.

I then hear Maddie's voice, begging mom for the phone. They argue for a second before mom says they can both speak to me. "Hi Skylar!"

"Hey Maddie," I grin, fitting notebooks, my laptop, a huge pencil pouch, and a few other essentials into my book bag. Officially, I'm ready to start my new life in the morning. I decide to crawl into my bed and take the phone off of speaker, now just holding it to my ear. "Gone crazy yet?"

"Just about to," She says. "Met any boys yet?"

I scoff and shake my head, running my fingers over my damp scalp. "I haven't met anyone yet. But I'll update you after my classes tomorrow, don't worry. Anyways, I'm sorry, but I should sleep. It's late and I need to get up early."

They both complain, but eventually let me go. Marie's distracted by her show, but we still exchange 'good night's before I turn off my bedside lamp and curl up under my sheets and blanket.

Tomorrow will be a good day. This will be a good semester. I will make lots of friends, have lots of fun, and learn. I can do this. I am not who I used to be. I am strong.

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