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Chemistry class was super tense, and wasn't fun like it usually is. The girls sat at our usual table while the boys sat with a couple of their other friends. We also avoided them for lunch, going out together somewhere instead. Wilbur has been trying to talk to me and text me all day, but I'm still pissed at him. But I can't avoid him in art class, so I guess I have to suck it up.

"Hey Wil," I sigh, setting my bag down next to my chair.

"Would it kill you to respond to my texts?" He asks, obviously annoyed.

"Hmm, maybe." I pull out my sketchbook and open it up to the assignment we've been working on. "Just saying 'hey' and 'hello' over and over again doesn't really pull me in, though."

"I'm sorry, okay?" Wil says. "I was just in a shitty mood and took it out on you. If I have an issue with the guy, I'll take it up with him. You shouldn't have to."

I place my hand on top of his. "Don't contact him, okay? He fucking sucks and isn't going to be reasonable or apologize or anything. You just gotta move on from it."

Wil sighs and hangs his head back. I don't know why he wants to deal with Eli so badly, but hopefully, he doesn't try to again. "Fine, whatever."

I grin at him and kiss his cheek. "After class, wanna go to my room? I'll use my makeup to cover up your battle scars."

"Mmm, how sweet of you." He leans his head against my shoulder. "I don't think I trust you to not turn me into a drag queen. Nothing wrong with drag queens, I just don't wanna look like one."

I groan. "You're boring,"

Turns out the friend group splitting up gave me and Wilbur a lot more time together. Alone time, at least. We never realized how much time the group took up. Olivia and Matt are still nowhere no reconciling, even though they're both a complete mess and want each other back. We've all tried to force them to talk, but they won't budge. It sucks, but we really can't make them do anything.

The last couple of months have been extremely hectic with school work, the loads getting heavier each week. I really haven't had a moment to myself, which I don't mind too much. I'll be gone in a week, so I'm staying with my people as much as I can.

Wilbur hands me his drink and leans over me, talking to Joey who is sat next to me. "You mind staying with her for a second? I gotta piss,"

Joey nods and looks at me as Wilbur gets up and walks away. We've been sharing a joint for a bit, so we're both pretty faded. "You still gonna be friends with me when we're back home?"

"Of course," I tell him, turning my head to face him. "We'll have to meet up with each other sometimes. Halfway would only be, like, an hour and a half, right?"

He nods again and takes a sip of his water. "So, what's happening with you and Wilbur?"

"We're doing long distance until he goes to NYU with me. At least, we'll hopefully both be accepted. But he said he'll move to New York either way once we graduate, so we just need to stick it out for six months." Each night, I've been convincing myself it won't be too bad. I know it won't be fun, but we can get through it.

"Well, good luck. My girlfriend back in Boston broke up with me in September because she couldn't handle the distance. I hope you two can work it out better."

I sigh and lean against Joey, closing my eyes. "Yeah, me too." Despite the blasting music and loud people around us, I'm still exhausted. Seconds later, the couch shifts next to me. Without opening my eyes, I lean to the other side of me, pressed against Wilbur as he wraps an arm around me and takes his drink back. "I missed you."

"Poor Skylar," He says, kissing the top of my head. I zone out as him and Joey talk, letting myself sink into his side and take in his smell. In a week, I won't smell him for months. I won't lean against him for months. I won't kiss him, hug him, cuddle with him, even just touch his face. Run my thumb over his delicate skin. All I'll get is him through a screen, which is better than nothing, but still not great.

He plays with my hair as thoughts swirl through my mind for however long before he nudges my shoulder. I pick my head up and look at him. "What?"

"Ready to go?"

I nod and wrap my arms around his neck. "Carry me!"

"I can barely walk myself, darling." He chuckles. "I will fall and squish you if I carry you."

"I can carry ya," Joey says, now standing in front of the couch. I squeal and reach my arms out, letting him sweep me up. I won't admit it out loud, but his muscular arms feel niiiice.

"She can walk," Wilbur says, wearing an awkward smile. "We're just half a mile away."

"No!" I protest. "I'm tired. I'll sleep on the sidewalk if I have to walk. Do you want that, Wilbur? Do you want your girlfriend to sleep in freezing weather?"

"You're strange," He mutters. "I'm gonna find Matt and we can go."

Marie is staying at Olivia's tonight, so Wilbur's staying at mine. Now that there's just a week left, I've given up on caring about that stupid 'strike' shit I had going on for awhile. We only have a few nights in the same country left together, might as well spend it with each other.

Joey sets me down at my door, saying a quick goodbye before walking away. I pull my key out of my pocket and let us in, Wilbur shutting the door behind him.

"Was that weird to you, too?" He asks, sitting on my bed as I change into a sweatshirt and leggings.

"Was what weird?" I respond, slowly brushing my hair.

"Joey carrying you."

"Not really. He's my friend."

"Yeah, I just didn't think you two were close or anything."

I shrug, massaging my scalp with my nails. "We're pretty close, I think. I like being friends with your friends."

Wilbur stays silent for a second, pulling my comforter over us as I crawl into my bed. "Yeah, I like it too."

I reach over and turn off my lamp. I lie on top of Wilbur, his arms around me, my head on his chest. I shut my eyes as I listen to his heartbeat, forever grateful for it. "I love you,"

"I love you too, baby."

your city gave me asthma // Wilbur SootWhere stories live. Discover now