forty - the end

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I softly groan and slightly open my eyes. I'm filled with relief as I know yesterday wasn't a dream. My head is on Wilbur's chest, his hand lightly nudging me.

"I gotta go to class. It's already half past noon."

"No," I mumble, wrapping my arm around his torso. "Stay with me."

"Skylar," Wilbur chuckles. "I want to, but I promised mum that I would only ever miss classes if I was sick."

"She wouldn't know!"

"Somehow, she would." He lifts my arm off of him and gently rolls me aside, his weight shifting off the bed as he stands. I turn and watch as he changes, admiring the muscles on freckles on his back. He pulls his bag over his shoulders and looks back at me. "Do you wanna stay here?"

I shake my head. "I want to but don't need to." I force myself to get up and grab my lanyard off of his desk. I give him a goodbye kiss on the stairs before walking back to my room. I step in and see Claire sitting up on her bed.

"Hiii," I sing with a smile, shutting the door behind me.

"Hey love," She replies. "This is the happiest I've seen you in forever. Is that a hickey? And a whole outfit of just his clothes?"

I shrug and giggle as I climb onto her bed. "Maybe,"

"I'm happy for ya, love." Claire grins.

"Is it sad that this man is the main reason for my happiness?"

"I'm the same way."

"True." I sit up and brush out my hair with my fingers. I pull my phone up as it buzzes.

Wilbur: I dooooo need a cover for my album... so if you know any talented, beautiful artists, let me know

Me: hmmm... does this artist get paid?

Wilbur: Well it depends on who it is.

Me: ok. do i get paid?

Wilbur: With lotsssss of love and kisses 😁

Me: works for me!!! any specific ideas or want me to do whatever?

Wilbur: I was thinking some sort of train leaving an area if that makes sense, but I trust you to make something perfect :)

Me: okay cool 🫶

Claire and I eventually head to our only shared class. It's three hours long, so thank God I have her in there with me. We have an early dinner before I go back to Wilbur's room.

"Hey baby," He grins, pulling me in by my waist and placing a kiss on my lips. "Missed you,"

"Missed you more," I tell him, lightly biting his bottom lip before sitting at his desk, covered with his mic and production equipment. "I came up with a few ideas during class."


"Your album cover." I pull out my phone, finding the picture I took of the four different sketches. "Any of these look good?"

"These are excellent," He says, his eyes scanning over the picture. Wilbur points at the bottom right one. "This one. I think it captures it well. Maybe with a blue and red theme."

"I was thinking the same." I tell him. I watch as he sits at the edge of his bed and opens his laptop.

"I finished producing all of the songs." Wilbur smiles. God, I love how excited he is over this. He's so cute and talented and deserves everything. "Want to listen?"

I leave his desk and join him on his bed. "I'm gonna sob again."

"I keep plenty of tissues around."

"Gross," I giggle, lying down as he starts playing. Throughout each song, he points out production techniques he used, which I understand none of. I just nod along, proud of him and glad he's proud of himself. I only teared up a few times, surprising both of us. "It's so insanely good, Wilbur. So many people are going to love it and obsess over it and relate to it."

"Thank you baby," Wilbur grins and leans over me, kissing my cheek. "I don't think mum will like all of the cursing."

I frown at him. "Wait, does she hate me after everything that happened? I adore your mom. I don't want her hating me."

He shakes his head and starts playing with a lock of my hair, twirling it around his finger. "I told her we just couldn't handle the distance. She still loves you, don't worry. She was very happy to learn we're back together. What does your mom know?"

"She thinks that we broke up because you found out that Joey and I kissed." I sigh, knowing how stupid it sounds. "I wonder if she really believed that. But she was also excited when I told her we're dating again."

"Good," He lies flat next to me, pulling me over so I'm lying on his chest.

I run my nail over his shirt, tracing circles in the fabric. "I'm so in love with you."

"Please never leave me again." He responds, his voice low.

I sit up and stare down at him with a smile. A year ago, I had just met him. I denied and denied my feelings for him, but of course, I couldn't resist. We knew it could end badly, but we still did it. And it was so, so worth it. I'm in love with this man; this amazing boy who loves me, too. I never even thought I could love again after Eli, and I was proven wrong. Going to London was supposed to just be a fun trip that gave me experience and a friend or two, but I found my soulmate. The man I want to be next to forever. I don't care that we're young and supposed to wait to settle down, explore different boyfriends and then find who you want. I know who I want, and he's lying beneath me, asking me to kiss him.

So I do.

a/n: ahhhh!! 🥹🥹 i cant believe this book is done!!!!!! it means so much to me and i've had so much fun writing it. and thank u sooooooo much for the support, nearly 650 reads is absolutely insane. thank u.

and in honor of Wilbur's BRAND NEW album... which came out at perfect time (imagine he's reading this i'd be so embarrassed)... i'm writing a new book !!!! it's called 'Distant You' and will be out very soooooon. 😊😊😊

again, thank you for reading. i know my writing isn't great, but it's so fun to do, and it's crazy to see so many people reading it.

much love !!!! 🩷🩷🩷🫶🫶🫶

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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