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"Hold on, that top is everything."

"Right?" Claire holds up the said top against her chest as she looks in the mirror. "But does it match with these jeans?"

"Absolutely," Madison assures her. Madison and I are both ready, but Claire is super indecisive, so we have to reassure her every decision. "So, you got a boyfriend?"

I glance at Madison, realizing she's talking to me. I shake my head. "No, I'm still getting over my ex."

She frowns and leans against me. "I understand ya, girl. I've got lots of exes, so if you ever need to talk, I'm here."

I grin. "Yeah, I have zero friends with exes to talk with it about, so I appreciate that."

"Not my fault the first guy I dated is my soulmate!" Claire says, adjusting her outfit before turning around. "Alright, I'm ready."

I get up from my bed and unveil our stash, grabbing a pre-rolled joint. I offer one to Madison, but she declines. "I'm a drinker, not a smoker. Thanks, though."

The frats live off campus in houses outside of the city, so we have to take an Uber. Mark joins us in the car and even pays for the ride, which we all thank him for. I haven't been to a party in months, but since Claire doesn't have Andrew here, I'm able to stick by her. Madison and Mark go off to do their own thing while Claire finds the drinks. I borrow a lighter sitting on a coffee table to light my joint, thankful to finally take a hit after nearly 24 hours without one. I don't consider myself addicted, but I am a bit obsessed with it. Just not reliant, I think.

We stand against a wall, people watching, tired after already socializing all day. Claire did most of the talking, of course, but standing and listening is hard work, too. We talk quietly, making up fake lives for the strangers in front of us, giggling at the stupid stories we create.

I cross my arms over my chest and look straight forward, a gap between people allowing me to see across the room. And then I see him. He's leaning against the wall across from me, a cigarette in hand. A guy is next to him, talking, but he's paying zero attention. His eyes, dead as mine, stare straight at me.

I quickly glance away and at Claire. "Oh my God."

"What?" She smiles, then gasps. "Shit, is Wilbur here?"

I slowly nod. With how insanely packed this party is, I didn't even think of seeing him here. But he is. And he knows I'm here, too. The question is, who is approaching who first?

"Go say hi!" Claire tells me. "Go win him back!"

"You don't even like him."

"Well, I can learn to like him if you need me to. And I'm ready for you to be happy again. I miss my happy Skylar."

I won't make the point, but I haven't been happy Skylar since we were 14. "I'm not going over to him. What would I even say?"

"Uh, I dunno, something like 'hi, how are you'?" She groans. "You haven't seen each other in eight months."

"I'll text him once we're both settled in." I tell her, but we both know that I won't. But maybe I will. I miss him so badly, maybe that can drive me to text him eventually.

"Whatever. I wanna play beer pong."

Claire takes my hand and leads us to the porch, where only one table is set up. We definitely won't get a chance to play, but it's still sort of fun to watch. I don't trust frat boys and my drinks anyway, so I'm fine on the sidelines.

We cheer for each team that plays, everyone around us getting drunker and higher as the night goes on. No one bothers us, though, which is definitely fine by us.

your city gave me asthma // Wilbur SootWhere stories live. Discover now