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Joey: I'm at practice rn

Me: it'll just take a minute

Joey: Uhhhhhhhhhhh

Joey: Okay. What's up?

Me: why the fuck are you telling Wilbur that me and you are still hooking up?? what is wrong with you???

Joey: Lmao I'm just messing with him.

Me: by dragging me into it? why??

Joey: He said he'd 'kick my ass' if I ever got with you back in London, so I'm telling him we're still together cuz I'd like to see him try

Me: really? you're doing all this just to rile him up? i thought you were a decent guy but obviously not. fuck you. and showing him fucking photos of us??? without asking me??

Joey: Chilllll it's fine lmao. Its not like he hasn't seen you half naked before.

Me: that's not the point????? go to hell.

Joey: Alrighty, I'm here for the next time you have a breakup and need a rebound 😁

I shut my phone off and groan loudly, bringing my hands to my face. What the fuck is wrong with him? What did I even do to him?

"Hey babe, what's up?"

I look up and see Claire walk in, followed by Maddie who immediately crawls onto my bed. I feel myself begin to cry as I talk. "Joey is a fucking cunt."

"Why?" Maddie frowns, wrapping her arms around me.

"He told Wilbur that we were still hooking up. He just wanted to get him mad so Wilbur would try to fight him. He showed Wilbur pictures that he took of us and said they were recent. And if he's shown Wilbur, he's definitely shown every guy on the basketball team. I could've had Wilbur by now if it weren't for Joey."

Claire throws her keys down on her desk and puts her hands on her hips. "Are you fucking serious?"

"I'll kill him." Maddie says. "Like, actually. I'm sure I could hire someone to do it."

"It's fine," I sigh, wiping my tears away. "I can screenshot it and show Wilbur proof that Joey and I weren't hooking up for so long. That's all I wanted."

"Doesn't make me want him dead any less!" Claire says, pacing around the small room. "I still have one of Andrew's baseball bats for defense. I can sneak up on him and break his ankles and shatter his knee caps so he can never play basketball again."

As nice as it would be to see that, I don't need any more drama in my life. Claudia still believes I'm the one who messed up her car, I don't need another case against me. "It's really fine, Claire. I promise,"

Her expression softens and she reaches forward, joining Maddie and I in a hug. "I'm sorry, love. We've been in college for four days and it's already treating you like shit."

I shake my head. "Joey is the only issue. This school has Wilbur living a floor above me. And now maybe that he'll know I'm not still with Joey he'll take me back. That's what matters."

"I thought he was sweet." Maddie frowns, stroking my hair with her long nails.

"He obviously thought you were gonna stay with him instead of going back to Wilbur." Claire tells us as she changes into her pajamas. "He's a dick. Karma will get his ass. Or, my boyfriend's bat."

I smirk at her and stand from the bed. "Maybe the bat should let karma take control."

"You're boring," Claire says, taking off her makeup at her desk.

your city gave me asthma // Wilbur SootWhere stories live. Discover now