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"Ow!" I wince, Claire quickly pulling the straightener away.

"Sorry!" She says, planting a kiss on the spot of my scalp she burnt.

I wanted Marie to meet Claire tonight, but she's out with Olivia, finally learning the big news. They'll meet tonight when she sleeps over, though, and she'll meet Matt and Olivia at the party tomorrow. Claire is helping me get ready for my date by straightening my hair while I do my makeup, although she doesn't have the most steady hands.

"Okay, I think I'm done." She says. "Your makeup looks so good! I forgot how well you can do eyeliner."

"I figured I'd try it for the first time in awhile." I sigh, seeming nervous. Why am I nervous? It's my boyfriend that I love. I just have some weird feeling that I can't explain. "Thanks for doing my hair."

"No problem, love." Claire picks up the dress I've set on my bed and smooths it out. "This dress is stunning. And your perfect color."

"Thanks," I tell her with a grin as she helps me slip it on and zip it in the back. I haven't worn a dress in about a year since last homecoming. I forgot how much I despise how they make me look.

Before I can look at myself much longer, Claire turns me away from the mirror. She knows how I get. She's the main person who helped me through my eating disorder, even if I'm still in the healing process. "You look absolutely incredible. I promise,"

I just nod and bite my lip, feeling so many mixed emotions right now. I'm happy; Claire is here and Wilbur is taking me out and I turn 18 tomorrow. I should just feel happy, nothing else.

I slip on my short heels and spin around in the dress, looking down as the baby blue fabric twirls around me. The spaghetti straps definitely won't keep me warm in the approaching fall weather, so I grab a light sweater from my closet. To look like I tried to be warm but I'll be cold enough that Wilbur will give me his jacket.

Right then, there's a knock on the door. Claire giggles and rushes to open it, revealing the best looking man I've ever seen. And, oh wait, he's my boyfriend. He's mine. God, just look at him! How do I get to call him mine? I'm his. I'm no where near his amount of beauty, yet he loves me.

"Wow," He mutters, looking me up and down as he erupts into a wide smile. "Wow."

"Isn't our girl gorgeous?" Claire sighs, leaning against the door.

I blush as they both stare at me, lifting my hand to scratch at my neck. Claire grabs my hand and pulls it down then takes out her phone.

"Your mom told me to take pictures."

"Alright then," Wilbur chuckles, pulling my hip to meet his leg. I lean against him, resting my head on his chest as we smile for the camera. Claire makes us do a million different photos before finally letting us go, even though I'm grateful she takes so many pictures for me.

I shut the door behind me and put my back to it, smiling at him. "You look really nice."

"You look really nice." He tells me, stepping towards me and moving a piece of hair behind my hair. "Damn it, how did I get so lucky?"

I flatten out his tie and pat his chest. "Didn't know you owned a suit."

"Well, it's Joey's." Wilbur says. "The only guy my height that owns a suit."

"Also, the only guy your height."

"Oh, you love how tall I am."

"That I do."

Wilbur leans down to kiss me, but I bring my freshly manicured finger up to his lips and push him away. "Don't mess up my makeup, young man."

"You're evil, darling." He smirks, holding the hand I shushed him with. "Let's go get dinner."

Wilbur's thumb slowly draws circles on the back of my hand as we stare at each other. We don't even speak, just look. I'm sure we look crazy, but we don't care. We're crazy in love, that's all that matters.

I take a sip from my wine, my lipstick leaving a mark on the glass. "So, did you get me a present?"

He grins and shakes his head. "Not until tomorrow." I watch as he pulls his jacket open, taking a card out of an inside pocket. "But you can read my card, if you'd like."

"Ooh," I smile, excitedly taking it. It seems that he handmade this card, doodles of hearts and flowers all over the cover, surrounding my name. "Beautiful," I giggle, opening up the card.

My love. My gorgeous woman. I know, we've only known each other for a couple of months. But I don't care. I can't and never will deny my love for you. My admiration for you. Every single time I see you, I feel my breath taken away, because how can someone be so incredibly perfect? How does everyone else around not freak out that an angel is in their presence? Since the first time I saw you in chemistry class, I knew I would fall for you, but I had no idea how quickly. Though we only have a few months left in the same country together, I can not wait for our future. We won't be separated forever. One day, we can wake up in the same bed with no worry about getting in trouble. I know that may sound a little crazy to you, but that's how I feel. That's what I want. What I need. You are what I need. I could write a whole book about my feelings for you, but I'm running out of room. So, I love you. So much. I'm so insanely thankful everyday that you came into my life. I love you.
~ Wilbur

I shut the card and hold it against my chest, smiling in awe at him. "Will," I whisper, holding his hand again. I would do anything to leap across this table right now and kiss him all over. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, baby."

Of course, of fucking course, someone has to come in and try to ruin our lovely night. The insane bitch Lacy is sat at the table just behind Wilbur. Alone? No. A man walks right past me and sits at the chair opposite her, the back of his head all I can see. But I recognized that cologne, that awful cologne I begged him not to wear. And that slightly curly black hair, the mole in the center of the back of his neck.

"Eli," I whisper to no one specific. Suddenly, I can't breathe. My brain feels like it's going to explode. I cant seem to wipe the sweat off of my palms. My ex, who I thought I would never see again, is just a few feet away from me. The man who ruined my fucking life. Who hurt me in so many ways, who made me hate myself. Who caused irreparable damage to me.

The last thing I remember is Wilbur's hand on my arm as I grab at my hair, completely unable to breathe as my heart threatens to beat out of my chest.

your city gave me asthma // Wilbur Sootحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن