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Our ride to the airport is silent, the music on a low volume. None of us can believe this day is here. We've known it was coming, but didn't think it would come this fast. I gave extremely tearful goodbyes to Matt and Olivia this morning, and thankfully they kept it civil during breakfast. They all surprised me with a photo book, each page with notes from each of them and the many polaroids we all took. The book sits in my carry on bag, ready to be read and cried over during my flight.

Marie parks, but none of us get out yet. She turns to look at me, her eyes glossy. "I'd rather give you and Wilbur privacy for your goodbye so you can kiss and whatever, so would you rather say goodbye here or inside?"

I take a deep breath and give her a small smile of appreciation. "I want you to be in the airport with me, so we'll say goodbye here."

"Alright," She says, all of us getting out of Matt's car. She opens the back and pulls out one of my suitcases. "I'll see you inside in a few."

I nod and lean against the side of the car with Wilbur. My heart hurts so badly, my stomach twisted with dread.

"My mom says it helps to think of the time as weeks." Wilbur says, breaking the silence. "She says it can help make it go by faster. So, I'll see you in six weeks."

The second I look up at him, the waterworks start again. He remains stronger than me, just a few tears falling down his cheeks. "Six weeks isn't that bad." I whisper, taking his hands in mine. "We can handle that. No kissing or hugging or any other touching for six weeks. That's not too long."

"Right," He mutters. "And we'll make up for all that we'll miss when I see you in June. In six weeks."

I go on my top toes and wrap my arms around his neck, connecting our lips. His hands find my waist, his fingers digging into my hips as he pulls me closer, our bodies pressed against each other. Our hands move all over each other, trying to remember what we feel like. His hair, his jaw, his chest, his arms. I feel my back now press against the car, both of Wilbur's hands now on my face, mine gently pulling at his hair.

Eventually, we have to pull away for air. I begin to cry again as I look up at him, and he pulls me into a tight hug.

"You have no idea how much I love you." He whispers into my ear.

"I love you, baby."

"I guess I'll walk you to the door." Wil says, pulling away from the hug.

I pull my backpack on and Wilbur takes my other suitcase, holding my hand as we walk through the parking lot. We reach the entrance; the last place I'll see Wilbur for months. Or, weeks, I guess.

"Text me when you land."

I nod and place my hand on his shoulder. "I'll see you soon."

"See you soon, darling." Wilbur says, choking through the last word. He leans down and kisses me one last time, because if we kiss anymore, I'll be officially convinced to stay here another semester. I take my suitcase from him and force back my tears.

"I love you, William."

He grins and tucks a loose piece of hair behind my ear. "I love you more, Skylar."

I take my hand off his shoulder, no longer touching him. His warmth won't be near me again until June. I shake the thought out of my head and break eye contact to walk to the doors, watching as they slide open in front of me. I look over at Wilbur one last time, his face red with tears. He blows me a kiss, which I catch and press against my chest. Finally, I walk through the door, Marie just a few feet away. She gives me a weak smile as she approaches me.

your city gave me asthma // Wilbur SootWhere stories live. Discover now