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"He does not,"

"He does!" Marie protests. She sits on my bed with me as I do her makeup. Almost every night, the whole friend group gets together, which I love. Tonight, we're just hanging out in our room. For some reason, there's only a bit of security on campus after 5, and apparently the students pay them off with money or alcohol or drugs so they let us do whatever we want. I was worried I wouldn't find people to be around, but I did. "Olivia told me that Matt told her that Wilbur told him that he thinks you're super pretty and nice and talented."

"Well, he has good taste." I tell her before spraying her with setting mist. "You're done,"

She holds up her mirror, admiring her reflection. She looks beautiful with the simple but sort of elegant makeup I gave her. She doesn't have anyone to impress or anything tonight, just let me do her makeup for fun. "I love it! Thanks, Sky,"

"No problem," I tell her, looking down at my phone as it buzzes.

Claire: I'm mad at you.

Claire: You tell Maddie about this Wilbur guy but not me???????

Me: i was gonna tell u!! i've been busy all day. and u have school too.

Claire: Who cares about school when you've found a cute guy?????

Me: um u should!! ur not getting into yale with bad grades missy

Claire: So? You have a potential boyfriend who's BRITISH!! I need a picture.

Me: girl i don't have any 😭

Claire: Well FIND SOME. Your best friend needs to see him, it's illegal if she doesn't see him within 24 hours of seeing him

I grin at my phone then look up at Marie, who's also on her phone. "My best friend back home apparently has to see what Wilbur looks like. Do you have any pictures?"

Marie reaches over to a box next to her bed that hasn't been unpacked yet, then tosses a polaroid over to me. "There. Keep it if you'd like."

I scoff and take a picture of the polaroid. Of course, he looks extremely handsome and adorable and I don't need to fall for him.

Me: here, lunatic


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Claire: AND GUITAR??????

Me: he said he writes. 🙃 i hate him.

Claire: Why????

Me: because i want him so bad. claire i'm crazy. i've known him for not even a day and i'm head over heels. we have two classes together and oh my god he's just amazing. and he's coming over to our dorm with our other friend in just a second and i have to see him again. and i have to see him all day every day until December. i don't know if i can resist.

Claire: Then don't!! 😌

Me: sigh. whatever. i'll figure it all out. hopefully he'll just get a girlfriend or say something racist so i start hating him.

Claire: No comment.

I quickly text Claire a goodbye as there's a knock at the door, which is soon opened up. Matt steps in first, followed by a stumbling Olivia, and then Wilbur. I decide not to pay attention to him.

"She pre-gamed too much." Matt says, explaining Olivia's behavior as she collapses into Marie's bean bag in a fit of laughter. He sets his bag on my desk, pulling out a bottle of vodka and some cigarettes. He tosses the box to Marie, who pulls one out and a lighter before passing both to Wilbur. Smoking normal cigarettes has always been nasty to me, especially considering many of my family has died from lung issues. But I won't be the loser who judges them.

"Want a fag?" Wilbur asks, pointing the box at me.

My eyes widen for a second before remembering that word doesn't have the same meaning over here, making me laugh. "No, I'm good. I'll take a drink, though."

Matt pulls cranberry juice out of our mini fridge and mixes me and him a drink. He pours just cranberry for Olivia without telling her, for good reason. She can barely speak.

I thank Matt as he hands me my drink, immediately taking a sip. I haven't drank in so long, but it's nice to have it again. Even if it always makes me feel like shit.

Wilbur turns a movie on our TV, all of us quietly enjoying it. I expected a sort of mini party, but I honestly prefer this peaceful time with my friends. Even if Olivia loudly laughs at each joke in the movie.

Somehow, I was able to speak only a few words to Wilbur the whole night before he leaves. Guess it evens out how much I talked to him today, right?

your city gave me asthma // Wilbur SootWhere stories live. Discover now