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"I can't be," Olivia whispers, her hands covering her face as she sits on the bed. The three tests we just bought sit on her desk, just another minute until they're ready. "We can't have a fucking kid."

At the party, Matt apparently kept asking Olivia why she wouldn't drink. After him asking a million times, she broke down and told him she was scared that she was pregnant. She's had the symptoms; nausea, fatigue, a bit of weight gain. They say they accidentally were unprotected a few months ago, but didn't think anything of it. They've been dating for four years, so at least they know they love and trust each other. Still, they're both 17 and much too young to take care of a kid.

The timer goes off and we all glance at the tests. I take the liberty of walking over to the desk and staring at all three. "Positive," I mutter, just as we predicted.

"Oh, fuck," Olivia exclaims, Matt wrapping his arms around her. 

"I can get us a doctor appointment soon." Matt whispers, stroking her hair. "My mom's friend can get us somewhere good and quick."

As they quietly talk, I take Wilbur's hand and sneak us out. As much as I want to be there for support, I'm sure they just want to be alone right now.

"That sobered me up," He tells me as we walk over to his building. 

"I can't imagine," I sigh, wrapping my arm around his. 

"You think they're gonna keep it?"

I shrug. "I mean, I think she's past the legal limit. Maybe they'll do adoption. I won't even be here when she gives birth!"

"Then I guess you'll have to visit." Wilbur says, stopping in front of his door. "Every weekend would be best. Or, just staying here."

"Mhmm," I mutter, leaning up and giving him a quick kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow. I need to go tell Marie the news."

He sighs and pulls me in for one last kiss. "Alright, darling. I'll see you tomorrow. Your last day of 17,"

"Yep!" I giggle and squeeze his hand before walking off. I get back to my room quickly, but Marie is already asleep. I frown, realizing she'll have to learn the news tomorrow. Or maybe it'll be best for Olivia to tell her.

Olivia and Matt didn't show up to any classes today, so right after art, Wilbur and I go to check on them. Neither of them are in their rooms or have been responding to texts, until finally, Matt replies to Wilbur.

Matt: Hey, sorry for the absence. We went to Olivia's parents and broke the news and they freaked, of course. Immediately got us to the doctor and threw a fit until they could check her out. She's 17 weeks and we're going to keep it, which is exciting and terrifying. We just left my parents and they freaked out too. Of course. They're all going to meet and discuss our futures!! Yay!!!! One option is Olivia leaving school now and just finishing the year online. Another is us getting our own house. All scary options but we'll keep you guys updated I guess.

"Shit," I mutter. "They better not pull Olivia out."

"Agreed," Wilbur sighs as we reach the cafe. We both order our regular drinks and sit at our regular table. "So, on a lighter note..."

"What?" I ask with a grin, lifting my mug up to my lips, sipping the hot latte.

"Since we're all doing a whole birthday party for you tomorrow and I won't get any alone time with, I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me tonight. I got us a reservation somewhere nice."

I lick my lips and nod quickly as if he'll miss my response. "That sounds lovely." I reach across the table to grab his hand right as my phone buzzes.

Claire: Hi loveee. Whatcha doing?

Me: getting coffee with Will :)) what are youuu doing?

Claire: Ooh, I want some coffee too. Marie sent me the address, you mind going ahead and ordering my drink so it's ready when I get there?

Me: huh?? 

She doesn't respond, so I open Snapchat to check her location. "Oh my God!" I say, standing from the table. I run outside and stand by the door, looking side to side for my best friend. "Oh my God!" I say again as I see her. I run over to her with no care of the people around us, grabbing her into a hug as tears start streaming down my face.

"I'm here!" She yells with a laugh.

"You're here!" I yell right back, neither of us letting go of each other. If I let go, I might have to be alone again. 

"I missed you so much. You have no idea." She says, and after a few more seconds, pulls away from our hug. "You're so pretty. I missed your face."

"I missed yours more." I sigh. I look behind me, realizing I left Wilbur in the cafe, but he's standing right beside us. 

Claire grins at him and puts her hands on her hips. "And you must be the famous William!"

"And you must be the famous Claire." He says with a grin, putting his hand on my waist. 

"You weren't exaggerating," Claire grins at me. "He really can't stand beside you without his arm on you."

I giggle and lean against him. "Yeah, he likes me a little bit. Come sit with us before our stuff gets stolen." I grab her hand and lead her inside, standing with her at the register as Wilbur goes back to our table. She orders her drink and we wait at the hand off for it. "Isn't he even cuter in person?"

"He's adorable. And girl, the way he looks at you..." Claire rolls her eyes with a smile. "That boy is  gone for you already. Our kids can grow up best friends and then fall in love."

"Oh, I never got to tell you!" I say, watching as she takes her mug and pours some sugar in it. "Olivia is pregnant."

"What?" Claire gasps, following me back to our table, sitting next to me. "Is that the one dating Matt?"

"Mhmm. It's crazy. But I won't even be here when the baby arrives."

"Yeah, you'll be home with me again!" She grins, resting her head on my shoulder. "Finally!"

I glance at Wilbur, who obviously doesn't enjoy that idea, so I change the subject. "Are you gonna come back over here for Thanksgiving with mom and Maddie?"

"We don't celebrate that, though." Wilbur says, putting an ice cube into his tea. 

"I know, they're just coming since mom will be off of work and Maddie will be off of school. We'll just get a big dinner in place of Thanksgiving." I look at Claire. "So, you coming, or no?"

She shakes her head, stirring her drink. "I showed up today since dad won't let me go for Thanksgiving. Figured your birthday would be more fun anyway. Ooh, we should do something tonight! Your last day as a kid."

"Oh, we already have plans." Wilbur says. "I made the reservation a few days ago and they charge for cancellations."

"Boo," Claire frowns. "Can ya change it to a table for three?"

Wilbur looks at me then back at her, obviously a little annoyed, but I'm unsure why. "I was hoping it would just be Skylar and me."

"You can help me get ready." I tell her. "And I'll skip classes tomorrow. We can have the whole day until my party starts. It's just our small group of people going to Olivia's beach house. It'll be fun,"

"Alright," She smiles at me. "Oh my God, you will never guess what Andrew did."

your city gave me asthma // Wilbur SootWhere stories live. Discover now