Part 1

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Ellie. Your brother's best friend for as long as you can remember. Always around, always being so... Ellie. When she's not ignoring you, she's picking on every little thing you do. You're excited talking about something? She tells you to shut up. You're walking in the living room of your own house? She tells you to leave. But the thing is, this type of behavior is specifically directed at you. Everyone else, and I mean everyone else, always talks about how nice she is. About how good she is at patrols, how kind she is to the people of Jackson, how every single kid in town likes her. Jeez, even the horses seem to be affectionate towards her. You don't understand why she always had such a distaste for you. You might be overreacting a little bit, cause that's what you do, but it really bothers you cause you also think she's nice, kind, and cool. So you're always, subtly, trying to get her attention. The only thing that you're not aware about is that Ellie is doing the same thing. But in her own twisted way.

Today is one of these days where you're at your house and find Ellie walking around like she owns the place.

"What are you even doing here?" Ellie rolls her eyes when you two bump into each other at the kitchen. She does her best to look cool in front of you, crossing her arms and making a face that she thinks it's intimidating.

"I live here." You stare at her like she's stupid, which is not too far from reality. You take a look at how her lightly toned biceps are flexing. She's totally not doing that on purpose. It's not like she always wears her sluttiest tank tops around you cause four years ago she heard you talking about how you're into arms to one of your friends. Yeah, it's not like that at all, if you ask her.

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