chapter 1

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I don't really remember what happened before I had fallen, the only thing I could truly grasp was a stray memory of a friend, Conner. I don't know what happened to him though. Was he here with me? Was he still up in the above? I couldn't remember.

How could I? Hi. My name is Atticus, and I don't know where to begin. I suppose it all started when I was up above, the humans call it heaven, but I don't remember it all too well yet, I think I might have amnesia. I know something happened; I just don't know what.

What I do know however is that I am most definitely not in the above anymore, for lack of better words, I shall resort to the human term for this land, I am in hell.
I sat up to examine my injury's, since I was most definitely hurt from the fall, when I did a quick overlook of my body I noticed a few things, one, my wrist was shattered, two, I have a few new appendages than before.
I looked around my body and found large, delicate wings, that were very sharp. I found that out quickly after I cut my finger open. I felt around my head and found four solid and sharp horns on my head as well. I found my nails were long, black, and sharp, my teeth had grown and became pointy, and I had strange markings littering my body, I was sure there were more in places I could not yet explore, however.

I figured that I should first tend to my wrist, it would likely not heal by itself. How I would find the supplies to help myself, I do not know. I decided that I would make do with what I had, I grabbed a rickety branch from beside me, tore some cloth from my shirt, and grabbed some of the leather string that was wrapped around my ankle. I managed to produce a pretty sturdy splint, it was not the best, but it would have to do for the time being, at least until he could get some assistance. Where would he find that here in these barren lands?

He did not know. He looked around, the air smelled dirty, and the ground was without plant life. He could see some festive and almost bright lights up ahead in the distance, hoping that there was even a little bit of help in the place before him, he began to walk towards it. As he was walking, he felt his skin prickle, that was new. He looked around, trying to place what might have been causing the unexplainable fear he felt, but as he turned and looked, he saw nothing, however, the one place he had forgotten to look, was up.
Suddenly he was pulled off the ground and into the arms of a giant lady. I screamed.

She covered my mouth and told me too quiet myself.
"You were being hunted, have your parents not told you about the dangers of the barren lands?"
Atticus shook his head.
"I thought not. You're not from here, are you?" The strange lady asked him.

He shook his head again. "Your young, hmm? 16? 18? Am I close?"
The lady asked him again.
He nodded, letting her know that she was correct in her estimations. She looked at him, as if she were waiting for him to do something, what she expected Atticus knew not.

"I am taking you back to my lands, there we may be able to see if my people end up truly accepting you. Don't get your hopes up, we don't tend to take your kind often. Not unless they're prisoners. I am Mother Meredith, or Queen Meredith, whichever you prefer, you may call me. I am the ruler of the barren land's harpies.

We are a secluded group of skilled hunters and fighters. I am sure you have heard of us?" Atticus went to respond but remembered earlier when she told him not too. Meredith saw Atticus's struggle.
"You can speak now, we are safe. Or...safer than we were before." Meredith assured Atticus.

"Well...I don't know of your kind Queen Meredith. As you have already figured out, I am not originally from here, actually, I don't know where exactly I am from. All I remember was being pushed out from the above and then I woke up here."
Atticus told Meredith. He chose to leave out the part about Conner, he wanted to figure those memory's out before he revealed them to someone.
"The above? I see.

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