Authors Note

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Heyyyy! Finally done with book one. Woo! I'm happy. We are near the end of the school year and I just finished. I have worked on this first draft for about 6 months. I have to go through a grammar check, spell check, etc, but overall I am very proud of this story.

This Story is finished with 81,128 words. There will be a sequel and maybe a prequel, we will see where this story takes me. Lol. While this Is my main story, I will probably start uploading my side story that I am working on. At some point at least. likely, I will start uploading the next chapter of the elderbroake series sometime during summer.

I have loved writing for as long as I can remember and am extremely excited to announce that this is my first book.
Now, time for some Q/A!
These are some questions lots of friends have asked about this book.

"Why Elderbroake?"

Funny story behind the name, actually. You see...I couldn't think of a name so....I kinda used a name generator. Just...typed in some words and got a name, y'know? It really doesn't pertain to the stories, but I needed something to call the series. The name will probably change a bazillion times before I settle on something.

"Smut scenes..?" \_(-_-°•)_/

I like writing them, again, they need serious editing, but hey, they are looking good so far. If you're uncomfy reading, just skip. They don't pertain necessarily to the story to much. A little bit of plot, but mostly smut.

"What does the werewolf look like?"

The abomination werewolf looks like a standard dog, but a hybrid mix of human in it. It stand on its back legs with arms hanging at it's side. No. It's not a furry. I promise....

"Does it get better for Atticus?"


"Is there a specific upload date for this summer?"

No. But I will let that figured out when summer actually comes around. I will probably take a week break, and work on my other story. I don't know what it's called, but again, I will figure it out. I uh...don't really plan most of my writing.

"Are your stories based off yourself?"

Sometimes. Not always. Sometimes. Not this one though, I wrote this cause it seemed fun.

Not many more questions for now. See you in book two of Elderbroake!

Word count:403

Book One: Time Of The ClanWhere stories live. Discover now