chapter 23

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Conner sat up quickly as he looked around, he expected his light-colored room, a bright chandelier, and books everywhere. Instead, he was met with dark color, gold and jewels, and a skeleton holding light for the room. Killian cursed softly. He looked around, his eyes adjusting to the poor lighting, he felt something warm hug his torso, pulling him down against the bed.

He looked down and saw Atticus, Atticus? He saw a large figure beside Atticus, then it moved.

"Conner? Lie back down. Now." Killian ordered, frustrated that Conner had woken him up this early.

"Lord killian! I'm in lord Killian's bed? With Atticus! How...?" Conner began ranting, he felt a strong arm pull him back down.

"Relax. Remember yesterday?" Killian murmured.

"Oh god! Yes..." Conner felt his sense of self go down the gutter. He had seen killian shirtless, flirted, eaten his food, and then slept in his bed, all after getting Atticus drunk.

"I genuinely hate myself right now." Conner whispered, his hands covering his face.

"Please, hate yourself all you want, just don't wake Atticus." Killian patted conners shoulder.

"I need to get dressed." Conner hurriedly pulled himself out of bed.

"Take some of my clothes, they will be a little big, but your clothes were destroyed. Anything you were not wearing was destroyed, apart from your little photo book." Killian gestured to the binder on the nightstand.

"Don't touch that." Conner said defensively.

"Don't worry, I only looked at the first few. I figured out what it was soon after opening it." Killian rolled his eyes, still in bed and grumpy.

"Fine. The clothes are in this nightstand, yes?" Conner gestured to the grand furniture.

"Mph." Killian acknowledged him, rolling over and closing his eyes.

"Got it." Killian heard Conner rummaging around before a soft sound of triumph echoed around the room.

"You found something you liked?" Killian asked, chuckling.


!" Conner twirled around, holding up a light white blouse, and some black pants.

"Pretty basic if you ask me." Conner smiled.

"Your basic." Conner turned around, pouting.

"There is some jewelry, put on some of the gold." Killian suggested. "It will match the outfit."

"Your jewelry?" Conner asked suspiciously.

"Yes, choose some things, keep them, they can be yours." Killian said. He glanced over as he saw Atticus roll around, slowly waking up.

"Killian...?" He whispered. Killian summoned some water, offering it to Atticus.

"Love?" Killian said.

"Yes lían?" Atticus asked, leaning back onto killian chest drowsily. That was at least, until he saw Conner.

"Ahh! Fucking Christ! Conner!" Atticus yelled.

"Hey...don't use the lords name in vain." Conner scolded.

"Why are you in my room?" Atticus flushed, knowing Conner saw how he had acted.

"Our room." Killian corrected.

"Fine, our room." Atticus said snappily.

"Killian invited me to sleep with you two last night, I couldn't find my room." Conner looked away, he felt guilty.

Book One: Time Of The ClanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang