chapter 38

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When I was woken up, it was not at all nice. I looked around. Stone and marble surrounded me.
“What the hell?” I muttered.

“Welcome, Atticus.” An unfamiliar voice rung around me.

“And who are you?” I snarked, if mephisto thought he could control me then he was dead wrong. Especially not after that cruel stunt he pulled. I still can’t believe Cain is dead. I felt horrible.

“You don’t remember me? Well, it is what it is I suppose. I wouldn’t expect a being such as you to remember. I am the leader of the stone territory’s, nergal. Does that ring a bell?” I couldn’t see him in any corner of the room, it was almost as if he were somewhere else.

The name had just registered, and I gasped.

“You? It was you who did this to me? You were the one who wanted me? Why?” I stuttered. “Why could you possible want me?”

“It’s not that I want you, per-say, but it’s what you can offer me.” He said cryptically. “You’re not staying here. You are going back to heaven, Atticus? Isn’t that wonderful?  Your older brother, the king of the heavens, grim, wants you back! You can be an angel again, isn’t that wonderful?”  I scoffed.

“Why would I want to be there again? They cast me out and threw me away like trash.” My hands clenched at my sides.

“It doesn’t matter what you want Atticus. Your opinion means nothing. I hope you know that. You will go back to the heavens.” I couldn’t stand it.

Everyone here in hell acts as if they are above me, even the tiny demon scum. The only ones who treated me right was the family I had built with killian. Conner, hopper, the wolves, and even Reese. But everyone else down here in this slum acts like I’m the dirt they walked on.

Nergal seemed to be a part of the group.

“You do not talk to me like that, you bastard. I’m getting real sick of people thinking they can treat me like shit. First Meredith, then aamon, mephisto, and now you. The lowest of demons treat me like they are better. None of you have any right. I expect respect, I deserve respect.” I spat out.

“Ooh….so spicy. Atticus? What makes you think you deserve respect. You have done nothing for us, nothing to us, nothing worthy of anyone’s respect. And down her? You need to work for your imagine. So what the actual fuck have you done?” Nergal cruelly laughed, I clenched my teeth in irritation.

“I can’t believe you! Nergal, I don’t even know where to be anymore, okay? Heaven got rid of me because I didn’t follow their ‘righteous rules’ and down here, I am treated like scum for simply existing. What am I supposed to do Nergal?” I threw my hands up in exasperation.

“You’re supposed to sit there and act like the dog you are, got it? You won't be here long, and I want you in decent shape for when I return you to your brother.”

I didn’t even want to know my brother. I wanted to go back with killian. I had to go back with killian. When my brother came, I would tell him my wish. I mean, he had to understand. If he were my brother, then he would truly care.

“I will not be a dog. But I will meet my brother and he will understand me. He will understand and let me stay here.” I stood up and glared around the room.

“How lovely. I’m sure that will work out amazing for you.” I could just hear the sarcasm. I wanted this fucker dead.

“So….no guest courtesies? Y’know, food, blankets, that kinda thing?” I rolled my eyes, I was just trying to make him mad at this point.

“Food will be here soon. You will be fine without the rest.” I heard footsteps begin to recede he was leaving me here. Alone. What a dick.

“I hope you choke!” I yelled.
“Likewise.” His voice echoed. I scoffed. I didn’t hate nergal, but his first impression wasn’t the best, I mean, he was intimidating! I guess all the leaders were intimidating in their own ways, but nergal was just so…. secretive?

Book One: Time Of The ClanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora