chapter 29

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° Tie the pendant, silder, back into the stories. Killian had him on lockdown because he might be dangerous.

I wandered the halls. Killian had told me that he had locked silder, my pendant...I guess? He locked silder away. He had explained that apparently, it was dangerous. Supposedly silder was enchanted with dark magic, it had a soul trapped inside of it. I was really curious to meet him even of killian told me not too, so I snuck away to find him. That was my mission today. I ran through the halls quickly so that killian couldn't catch up, he knew by now that I had left and disobeyed his orders. I giggled at the thought of his face crinkling up in irritation.

"Atticus, I told you, you're not to go and find your weird flying jewelry thing. Okay? I am having him checked for malicious intent and until I ensure that it's safe you are not going." Killian caressed Atticus's face, watching it twist up as he frowned. His nose crinkling softly. "Don't think about it. Your sad face won't get you out of this. Conner is off to his room organizing his stuff and settling in since he will be here soon. I ask that you go and do absolutely anything else but going to search for...slider? No. Sildem? Whatever its name is." Killian shook his head with a sigh and pulled out a hair tie. He grabbed his long hair and pulled it back into a loose ponytail.

"I don't think I have ever seen you wear your hair up like that." Atticus felt a flutter in his chest.

"Only when doing paperwork, to keep it from getting in my eyes y'know?" He walked over and settled down. Atticus waited for about half in hour until killian was so engrossed in his work that he wouldn't see Atticus slipping away through the grand doors.

I flapped my hands back in forth slightly at the reminder of killian having his hair tied up, he had looked so scholarly. I wondered what he would look like dressed like that, on top of me. Atticus felt the familiar tingle in his stomach and so he urged himself to think of something different.

"It should be somewhere over here." Killian had mentioned a testing room, he had searched all through the castle except for two places. Th dungeon and the hall of portraits.

He really hoped it was not in the hall of portraits, he saw how killian reacted to him being in there last time. He walked down the cold stairs and smelt the grassy scent. It seems killian might do more than just imprison bad men down here.

He opened the two barred doors and entered. Plants circled across each cell glowing a bioluminescent color. They moved with a mind of their own. Killian probably wouldn't put silder in the first few cells so he made his way down the halls. He flinched as a loud whistle echoed through the chamber.

"What a cutie? Do we happen to have ourselves some fresh meant now? I could go for nice round or two, even if you're a man." A guy with long, jagged scars down his face purred.

"Stay away!" Atticus frowned; he felt his hands wring each other nervously.

"hush up claw." Another man interrupted the loud tangent for explicit catcalls.

"And why should I black fang?" He cooed back.

"Because I am your leader, that's why. That bastard may have locked us up, but I am still your true leader. Or are you having second thoughts about following me?" The man defending Atticus had a mane of black hair, two long triangles, similar to ears stuck out through the flood. He had a white streak running through it and a slightly boxy face. A scar was ripped across his nose. Atticus couldn't see much beside that; he had a decent build and raggedy clothes but that was it. It was the same for everyone he had seen so far, actually.

Glaring at the previous man. He continued on. He could figure this situation out later but for now he had to find silder.

"S-silder? Hey, I came to get you..." Atticus called out into the darkest corner of the cells. A little ring echoed through it and then a brings red light emerged. Silders red eye glowed in the darkness. Atticus cooed as he saw tears well inside it. "Come on out, its okay." He said in a hushed tone.

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