chapter 12

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Hello! This is a A/N.
I'd like to say thanks for the support. I'm glad y'all aren't acting like horny dogs yet, luckily there is some smut coming up in future chapters!!! Whoo!
Can't wait for that!

Atticus woke up to a warm feeling, there was a strong arm wrapped around his waist, and heavy breath on the back of his neck. Atticus turned around to face killian, snuggling into the man's chest.
"Killian?" Atticus asked groggily.
"Yes?" Killian responded, tired.
"What time is it?" Atticus asked sitting up now. Killian quickly followed suit.
"What time is it not." Killian swore softly.
"Are you... are you okay killian?" Atticus asked, he hadn't heard the man swear yet.
"Just tired love, you see I'm not much of a morning person." Killian explained. "I apologize if I have frightened you." Atticus shuddered; he liked the sound of killian morning voice.
"It is about time to get up, we should start getting ready." Atticus said, distracting killian.
"Sure... but can you get hopper off me?" The dragon was sprawled over killian lap, much like a puppy. A big puppy. Atticus laughed and went to drag the dragon off killian, hearing the snorts and grumbles of disapproval from the creature.
"Hopper! You can't just stay on him, he has to get up, with me!" Atticus sighed. Hopper just jumped off the bed and onto him. A grumbling laugh echoed through the room.
"Killian! This isn't funny!" Atticus twisted and turned, throwing hopper off him. The dragon whined.
"I think I have something that will help." Killian suggested. He pulled out a fighting top, it had a large flap on the bag, probably to fit another person.
"This is meant to carry someone, as I bet you suspected. You can wear it and hopper can ride on your back." Killian smiled. Atticus sighed but agreed. He took of his night top and put this new shirt on. The shirt was very form fitting, wrapping around his had short sleeves that showed off the marking on his body, there was parts on the top that were exposed around, one by his stomach on each side, and one by his hips on each side. Atticus liked it, It made him feel good about himself.
"Hopper?" He opened the back, motioning for the dragon to hop in. She jumped up and secured herself, happily. Atticus chose to stay in his pajama pants, wanting to cherish the warmth. Killian was already dressed by the time Atticus was finished. They both slipped on their shoes and left, walking to the dining room. Killian wrapped his arm around Atticus's shoulder, pulling him close.
"Killian?" Atticus asked timidly.
"Yes?" Killian looked at him.
"I thought you didn't..." Atticus started.
"I want to still experience physical contact with you, even if you're healing. Does that make you uncomfortable?" Killian asked.
"No, I was just confused." Atticus said.
"I see. Now that that is settled, Atticus?" Killian looked nervous.
"Yes?" Atticus held his breath.
"Aamon is calling for judgement. That means he wants the leaders to vote on where you stay. You will get a vote as well, however.... I am worried." Killian confessed to the boy. Atticus breathed out, his eyes widening in horror.
"I...I don't want to leave..." Atticus stuttered out. Hopper nuzzled his chin.
"And hopefully you won't. The meeting will be held today, wether you want to be here or not is up to you." Killian told Atticus.
"Okay... I... I want to be there. I want my vote to count, and I want to know who votes with Aamon." Atticus had a determined look on his face. Killian was proud that despite the boy's obvious fear, he was standing up for himself. That made killian proud, this was not a place that Atticus would be able to readily rely on others.
Atticus looked at killian, determined.
"I will stay with you. I want to stay with you." Atticus unknowingly clutched the compass in his hand, forgetting it was even there. He was surprised when he saw it once more, he pulled it out and glared at it, he quickly pocketed the piece of jewelry.
"What was that?" Killian asked.
"Oh..." Atticus debated whether he should tell killian. He decided he should, killian could help if he needed it.
"Well... you know Mephisto? He healed my wrist when it got injured, but he would only do it if I carried this compass around." Atticus admitted.
"Let me see it." Killian ordered; his mood had changed drastically.
"What! Why?" Atticus clutched it.
"Because he could have put a charm on it, maybe to track you? Have you noticed anything unusual?" Killian sighed loudly.
"He... he talked to me last night. His face appeared and he spoke with me." Atticus looked away.
"Why didn't you tell me? This could be bad." Killian scolded softly. "I will help. It seems you are magically bound to keep it on you, so we won't do anything right now. Next time he shows up however, you need to come get me so that I may speak with him." Killian ordered.
"Yes of course. I just.... got worried." Atticus laughed softly.
"I understand, its okay." Killian shook Atticus affectionately. "The other leaders will be here in a day's time. Until then I ask that you prepare yourself. Its not going to be easy." Killian glared ahead at himself. The doors opened as two servants ushered them into the dining hall, leading them to the table.
"As usual, it looks good." Atticus complimented, looking at the servants around the room.
The servants bowed, accepting the compliment.
"How exactly does a "judgement" work?" Atticus asked killian.
"The judgment trials are when a group of people are fighting over something and want the fair vote of everyone else involved to determine an answer. The trials this time will allow for me or aamon to take you depending on how the rest of the people cast their votes. This will be the first judgment trial held in a long time. It will be held at my castle, something never truly heard of before. I have never really accepted visitors here. Us foreign leaders we.... Tend to stick to our own." Killian explained. "I'm sure aamon explained that little is known about us. Iliya, Nergal, romaline, and me, all stick together." Killian tapped the table in anticipation of Atticus's response.
"I see. Aamon did explain such things to me. I guess that explains your people's former disdain for me." Atticus laughed.
"I imagine this could be the start of a new age, an age where us foreign leaders are more... active in the world, not just our own community." Killian eyes softened.
"I think that could be great. Maybe if that ended up happening, we could also reunite the above and the below?" Atticus looked excited at the prospect.
"Well atti... I think that might just be too much to hope for." Killian looked away. He didn't want Atticus to know about how ugly these worlds truly were. There was constant fighting, racism, sexism, genocide, war, abuse, assault, and all of it was overlooked by the sparkly bastards in the white above. Killian was carful about his prejudice, especially considering Atticus was a fallen angel turned dream demon.
"The above is a bright place y'know." Atticus said, quietly. Tearing killian out of his thoughts.
"What?" Killian. Said quietly.
"I mean... I just... a memory. I had a memory of a bright place. I was there, I was laughing. Someone else was with me though... I remember blonde hair. Especially the blonde hair. It burned brightly, like a star almost." Atticus whispered; he was shaking softly.
"We were playing in the fields together I think. It was so muddled. And when I thought I could understand it... it disappeared. I think the guy was Connor. I knew a Conner... it hurts to think of him." Atticus was breathing heavily.
"Hey. Atticus hey." Killian grabbed onto the boy, hugging him. He stroked Atticus's back, cooing softly.
Atticus breathing slowly slowed. He loosened his grip on killian, grounding himself.
"Killian... my chest hurts. I can't breath well." Atticus glanced up.
"It's okay. That is probably grief, it hurts to think about it. I know that feeling. Your not alone atti." Killian smiled, holding the boy.
"You... you keep calling me atti... what do you mean?" Atticus looked away.
"It's a nickname, do you not like it?" Killian laughed nervously."I won't call you that if you're uncomfortable."
"No. No. I like it... its... new. It's good. I had gotten used to being called things like "pet" so it's a nice change." Atticus pulled away from killian.
"Then I shall continue to call you such a name. Let us finish eating?" Killian suggested.
"Yeah." Atticus stretched. They quickly finished their meal and left, walking up to killian room. The rest of their day had passed by fast, nothing important happening. Atticus and killian explored, showing each other around, discovering new and old things. Once they had their fair share of adventure, they retired for the night, heading up to the room with hopper. She had tagged along with them and eaten one to many foreign things, she got sick and now was being a baby. Atticus groaned as he lugged the dragon up the stairs and into the room, he threw her onto the bed, laying down with a sigh.
"Gods.... That hurt." Atticus rolled over. Killian walked up behind the boy, kneeling down and slowly moving his way up the boy's legs, up to his lower back, up to his shoulders. Atticus tensed.
"Killian?" He melted as he felt the skilled hands begin massaging his back.
"Is this good?" Killian asked as his fingers dug softly into the boy's shoulder blades.
"Yes...oh...." Atticus groaned. "Your good at this."
"And your sore, so I think this works out well." Killian laughed. He stood up and layer on the bed, pulling Atticus towards him, continuing the massage. Hopper snuggled in as Atticus dozed off. The lights were off.
"Goodnight, atti." Killian smiled as he nuzzled his head into Atticus's hair.
"Night killian..." Atticus mumbled.

Hello! Thanks for reading! Your all homosexuals!
Love you all!
Word count: 1725

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