chapter 26

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Nergal paced around back and forth, he knew mephisto had plans to take Atticus, but when? If it took any longer, he would have to take things into his own hands, and that would not be pretty, for him, or for hell. "You useless pieces of shit! Can't even do your job right, eh?" Nergal glared at the little souls, he preferred to make his servants from the souls of the living, weak and controllable. Having other demons serve you is dangerous; they could betray you at any point. That was the worry with mephisto, they were working together on research due to a shared interest, but with mephisto being the one to get to Atticus, Nergal had no idea if he could trust him to bring him here, or if he would be betrayed, just like the souls he disliked.

Mephisto hoped for knowledge, Nergal wanted power, they wanted two sides of the same thing. That was why they agreed to work together. Nergal grimaced, he looked around before entering the summoning room, they summoning room was where he created portals, it was also his ticket to heaven, he had a meeting with the new emperor, the old emperor, Atticus's father, was dead, killed by his son who had taken over the throne. The reason Nergal wanted Atticus was to turn him in, to give him back to heaven's, Atticus's brother, the emperor, wanted him back and with Nergal's compliance, he was going to get exactly that. Nergal would get access to Heaven's libraries place no demon had ever been to and lived to tell the tale. It was sacred to the angels as it held knowledge that could change entire worlds, universes even. Nergal would sacrifice anything to get his hands on that, and all he had to do was play the emperor on a string, after all, all he wanted was his brother. He stepped into the summoning circle, he thought about the emperors' sick obsession with his brother, it was amusing. He waved his hands and with a flash, the portal opened, the key around his neck ringing with power.

The golden gates opened, and there he was, surrounded by angels.


"Atticus. Drink." killian ordered, he held up the small bowl of tea, it was meant to help Atticus recover from the strain of using his magic. Reese had been shown to his room, led to settle down.

"i don't want to!" Atticus flailed, attempted to jump out of the bed, but the second he stood up, he was back on the floor. Everywhere the tattoos had been marked, was sore. As if they were alive inside him. He didn't have the markings anymore, but while he used his magic, they were very noticeable.

"i know it hurts Atticus, let me help! If you keep this up i might have to pray for you, atti. Or at least get conner to do it for me." killian groaned. He lunged at Atticus and wrapped him up in a blanket, the two wrestled for a moment before Atticus gave, getting swaddled like a baby. "please, love?" killian asked, holding the tea out once more.

"Fine. For you, even if it tasted like moldy piss." Atticus grimaced.

"Exaggerations, it does not taste that bad, I know because I have had it." Killian rolled his eyes, letting Atticus tilt his ear back to gulp down the slimy liquid. He gagged, coughing up phlegm.

"Atticus! Hey, calm yourself, you're making it worse." Killian stroked Atticus's back.

"I don't care! I just want ti to be better!" He hit the blankets angrily.

"And it will be, but you need to focus on taking care of yourself." Conner interjected, scolding Atticus. "You are acting rash and childish, its not a good look on you." He flicked Atticus on the forehead lightly.

"I am not." Atticus huffed, he found that he was rather whiny when sick, as he did not enjoy feeling...gross. He felt gross.

"Killian? I think I need a shower." Atticus could smell himself.

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