chapter 2

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The training had begun after Atticus chose his new roles as part of the clan. Meredith worked him hard, he had to learn to fly before they could take the time to scout train him, they split his schedule evenly. He woke up at dawn, ate a meal, spent until 12:30 doing flight training, and then it was time for him to practice the inner circle etiquette. After his practice he would eat dinner with Meredith. He was only allowed to be with the scouts and inner circles when he completed his training. He was allowed to talk to them from time to time, but most of his days are spent training, practicing, and training some more, he was treated like a child until he was able to live up to his role and provide for the clan that had given him a home.
Meredith tended to coddle him while he was cleaned and dressed to look presentable for the potential agreements and trades. Atticus preened under the attention he was given while getting dressed up, he was not used to being doted on by anyone other than himself. It was a nice change, however that still did not change the pain of the outfits he had to wear, or how hard they scrubbed to get the tattoos on his body off. The harpy tribe seemed to dislike his tattoos, he learned from Meredith that it was perceived as disrespectful since the only tribe member to have tattoos were the leaders, this was so that in battle, the tribe would know who to defer too. Atticus was made to practice walking, talking, and overall holding good control over yourself.
You needed to be able to change who you were to match and adapt to what your buyer would want, if you can't do that, then you were no use to the tribe. Atticus was good at changing his personality to what was needed, after all it was one of the many skills needed to be a good manipulator and he knew that a skill like that would come in handy later on, especially if this world was what he thought it was. Atticus was rather good at his job, especially when it came to inner circle work. Scavenging, as he liked to call it, took more work and focus than getting dressed up and pretty, he understood how to scavenge, but he still hadn't grown to be the best flyer.
He knew he would get better but until he was, he knew that he would prefer his job as part of the inner circle.
Atticus could not wait to be chosen as a trade for the inner circle, he could not wait to explore the unfamiliar regions of the below. He was excited to see the unknown, he had always craved to know more about his surroundings an their secrets, who knew what he would find! Just the other day during scout training he had found a shiny rock, it glowed a dull yellow and shimmered with gold flakes on the outside. He was told that it was a common rock down below, however that made it no less special than. Before. He loved shiny things and so he collected whatever he found, from precious stones to worthless bottle caps, he got it all. That was one of the few things that he could relate to with the harpies, he loved collecting, exploring, and collecting more. Most of the clan disliked Atticus, he was loud, he did not know how to control his own body, and most importantly, he was not a harpy.
Though, he knew that this was likely just their fear of the outside, it still hurt. He was different and for that he was judged. Even the guides to help with his flying or scouting would look at him in mockery, as if he were something low to them, something worthless to them.
Atticus wanted to do something but no matter how hard he tried, he was pushed and beat and used for their own pleasure, no matter what. If he fought back, he was doing bad and hurting the clan. if he just sat down and took what he was given, he was a sensitive bitch who let anyone do what they wanted to him.
Atticus mostly ran and hid. I mean sure, he was happy with his job, but his life currently could definitely be better. He was harassed day after day, and Meredith did nothing about it. Any time he brought anything up to her, he was shot down or told that it was for his own good. He needed it. Atticus hoped that they would have a trade soon, maybe then he would get picked to escape this place. It wasn't all bad though, he had collected a large menagerie of shiny things! He liked the shiny things but he couldn't show them to Meredith, whenever he did, she took them away from him, leaving him with nothing. She tended to coddle him and care for him up until he made a mistake, once he messed up, it was over for him, Meredith Ignored him, and her clan preyed on him to no end.
Many nights were spent awake, either with a harpy or two, or alone, fearing what might be done to him if he were asleep.
The lack of sleep only Made Atticus's performance doing daily tasks worse. He made more mistakes, got worse punishments, and then the cycle continued itself. He was close to praying that he could escape, the harpy's would not let him leave freely, and Meredith would always have someone watch him, even as he slept. The only way to get out of this place was to get help form another foreign species.
He was beginning to doubt the ideas Meredith tried to feed him about the tribe. He doubted that they were the best tribe, or that they were the most fair, and even more he doubted, that they actually wanted or needed him like she had said. He feared what they would truly use him for.
Atticus was not usually allowed to practice flying in secret, but he tried anyway. With he had flight training with the harpies he was strapped to weird instruments, he felt them pull on his wings and he also felt how the equipment pulled him down, farther and farther, the higher he tried to fly. He knew the harpies were keeping him from flying, they did not want him to escape.
Every time Atticus tried to leave to fly at night, he was pulled from the air by the guards who could fly better then him.
It was nighttime now and Atticus couldn't sleep, he knew he was being watched, he could feel it, he felt his marking grow cold, he had learned that their temperature change depending on his mood, some of the marking changed by color too. The one one his wrists were some of the few that could change color. Atticus tried getting sleep, but he was disrupted by the cooing and chirping in the nights, the guards were speaking in a language he knew nothing about. Once it hit dawn, Atticus was pout of the nest like bed he was given. He ran through the front door and past the guards, hoping they would not catch up to him, when they did they normally played with him and tormented him any way that they could.
He made it to the training station fast without the guards catching him, his luck was on a streak so far, he woke up without being harassed, and when he ran he was not caught. He hoped that his luck would continue to serve him throughout the day. He had arrived at the training grounds for scouting
Practice, but there the trainer was not there waiting like she usually was.
He looked around, confused. He jumped and swerved around as he heard footsteps approaching him. He saw Meredith behind him.
"Meredith?" Atticus asked her.
"Yes. It's me. You will stop doing scout training right now, my circle is being chosen from. You will follow me, you have a chance to move on and explore, its just what you wanted right?" Meredith looked at Atticus as he shivered. He did not like the look he got from her, almost as if he should fear being picked.
Atticus followed behind Meredith, step by step, closer towards her luxurious home. He looked at the building with a newfound fear once he arrived. He was walked into the building and was pushed to the floor.
"Hurry! You were too slow, we have no time to prepare you. bow." Meredith glared at Atticus pointedly.
"Sorry..." Atticus looked down, guilty.
"Good. The west master should be here. There are four masters, the north, east, south, and west masters. I am the master of the north. The west master name is Aamon, he is a demon, and the controller of the main demons of our lands. He is coming to chose someone to use as part of our newly written treaty. You will behave, if you are out of line, you will be punished severely." Meredith explained what was going on, and threatened Atticus, making him look down, in hopes she appreciated the show of submission. He shivered as he felt a powerful magic enter the room and lick across the offerings, including himself. He felt his demon form come out in full force, the attributes that were hiding, like his markings and his wings, were brought out by that magic. He looked at Meredith and saw the fury in her face, she clearly did not like what she saw, as if she thought he was some blight on this world. He shivered scared. He heard footsteps enter the room and a rumbling voice.
"Ruler Meredith of the north. Why are you harboring a demon? It is unlike you to do such things. Not only is it unlike you, it is also against the rules in the treaty to hold a creature that is not of your kind, without permission." Aamon looked at her pointedly.
"Ruler Aamon of the west. I saved this demon from the beast of the dunes, he would have died without me. I apologize for the violation of the treaty, but surly you can forgive me?" Meredith looked at Aamon.
She glanced over at Atticus, glaring, before returning her gaze to Aamon.
"You don't even look like you like the boy. You look at him like he is a plague." Aamon looked at her in a scolding manor.
"He has been nothing but work for our clan, however! If you want him you may have him. He is a good toy, he runs fast and is good for a fun chase, he is also good at finding things that takes most years to be skilled enough to find safely." Meredith smiled at Aamon.
Atticus looked up at the last bit. The things he collected were good? That must have been why Meredith took it. He remembered his last piece of rock, the pretty one he found loads of. Meredith always took that from him. He stood up and ran out of the room and towards his room. He reached the doors fast, but the guards were there. He jumped up to the roof and into the house, he threw his stuff around, looking for the rock. He grinned when he found it, he jumped out the window, the guards fast on his tail. He dashed back into the house and slid onto his knees, bowing once more. His tail swung back and forth, excited.
He looked at Meredith and held up the rock.
"Meredith! You were talking about this rock!" Atticus exclaimed.
Meredith tried to grab the rock from Atticus but, He curled up around it.
"No! I found it! You always take them from me." Atticus said sadly.
He looked up at Aamon expectantly. He held out the rock to him. Aamon gently took it and inspected it.
"This is magnificent tiny one." Aamon looked at Atticus. Aamon pat Atticus's head.
"I will take him." Aamon looked at Meredith.
Meredith looked mad, but she bowed her head in acceptance.
"Very well Aamon. Take him." Meredith glared at Atticus.
Atticus flinched when Aamon clicked a collar around his neck.
"Sir...?" Atticus looked up questioningly.
" you are mine now. I have made my choice. You are the one I am taking back to my home." Aamon glared at Atticus, daring him to disagree.
"Oh. Okay...understood sir." Atticus said to him. Aamon smiled and pat Atticus on the head.
"Good boy." Aamon praised.
Atticus blushed slightly and stood up, following Aamon out the door. The man approved of him! He liked that. He walked behind him, step by step, Aamon stopped and Atticus glanced up, only now taking in his surroundings. At the front of the village was a beautiful horse drawn carriage, wrapped in gold with a red color. The horses were skeletons and had fire around their body's. Atticus was surprised when Aamon opened the door for him.
"Thank you." Atticus smiled at him, happier. He stood up and pulled himself into the carriage, along with Aamon who followed close behind. Atticus sat as far as he could away from Aamon, trying to give him space. He gasped quietly when he was pulled closer towards Aamon.
"You are mine. Do not protest. You get to be by me." Aamon demanded.
"Of course." Atticus had little fight. He snuggled up to Aamon, enjoying his warmth. As the carriage bounced along. The steady movement combined with the blazing warmth of Aamon lulled Atticus slowly to sleep, and before he knew it, he had fallen asleep, directly next to the ruler of the west, king Aamon.

Word count:2293

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