chapter 3

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I looked over and the pretty little emerald I had claimed as my own was sleeping up against me. There's was a soft purr vibrating from his through throat while he was unconscious.

Aamon doubted the boy knew he could do it, especially with his animosity towards the idea of his own kind.

This boy was a dream demon, rare but not unheard of. They often came from fallen angels, but you did not get many of those here. Sitting there, worried that this boy did not know how to control his powers, fallen angels were not common, considering that the above ruler was thought to be loving towards everything that was his.

pleased with the little emerald he had picked up, he smiled. this kid was a diamond in the rough, a weapon of war.

Dream demon's powers were not closely studied due to their rarity, but from what was known, they were powerhouses. Dream demons were not like incubi or succubi, they controlled dreams and the magic of them and in them. they make those dreams a reality and use them to fight, they were fast and dangerous, much of their power was unknown to the below.

Aamon could not believe that this little emerald was his. Meredith really missed out on something special.

He felt the boy shuffle around for a moment, he settled down quick enough after that though. The dream demon was curled up against the lord of the west. Aamon stroked the boys back, felling his spine and the soft, delicate skin underneath. This boy would be deadly.

This boy would be cherished, a beautiful weapon of war for him and his people. He could not wait to ravish him, to break him, and to mold him to his desires.

The boy groaned quietly as he rolled against Aamon, he was startled awake when the carriage hit a rock and threw him against the front door, bruising his side, and twisting his body uncomfortably.

He looked up at Aamon and sighed.
"That was...embarrassing." Atticus looked up at Aamon dejectedly, hating the smirk that was plastered on Aamons face.

"I think it was humorous my little emerald." Aamon glanced down at Atticus, amused.

"Emerald?" Atticus asked him.

"Yes, emerald. I have decided to call you an emerald, they are my favorite gemstone, and they are quite rare, just as you are."

Aamon looked down at Atticus, with an almost predatory look.

"I'm...rare? How?" Atticus
questioned once more, not used to being called special after his treatment from Meredith.

"My, my, emerald, you are quite curious, aren't you? Very well. You are a very special type of demon, one that we do not commonly find here. You are a dream demon, not an incubus, nor a succubus, but a dream demon. You are special and You, are mine." Aamon pulled Atticus up and into his lap, keeping him from moving, or at least trying too.

Atticus twisted and turned slightly, trying to squirm out of the punishing grip.

"If you keep moving like that, little emerald, I won't be held responsible for what happens next."
That was enough to stop Atticus's movement.

He feared the meaning behind Aamons words, and he did not want to see what might actually happen to him if he disobeyed. He liked Aamon, he was gentle with him, and he treated Atticus like he was something to be cherished, however Aamon seemed to have a hidden danger about him.

He had threatened Meredith, and now him. Atticus had grown to find that Aamon was quite bipolar, he had been kind, and then he had not. Atticus felt the arms tighten around him.
"We are arriving.

Prepare yourself, do not embarrass me in front of my people, I would have to punish you if you did.
However, I am sure you will do great." Aamon looked at Atticus expectantly.

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