chapter 35

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*trigger warning*

Graphic depictions of non con. Don't read if your uncomfortable.

I ran. I couldn’t stop. Killian actually did it. He kicked me out. I couldn’t believe it. All that work for nothing. Not only did I betray Atticus, but now killian hates me. I lost a friend and a love. It hurt.
“Micha! Micha!” A voice shouted behind me.
“What? Who are you?” Tears streamed down my face. The person came closer. It was Benji!
“Oh…. sweet thing!  Hey…!” He held my face in a loving manor. Much more then I felt I deserved at the moment.
“Why are you here?” I snapped.
“For you. Obviously, for you. Micha, do you perhaps feel a tingly sensation, maybe even something almost like desire?” I stiffened. He was right.
“What of it?” A growl echoed brought the canyons of snow.
“I think…no, I know…. you’re my mate. Micha, do you know how happy I was when I saw you? Pedro, the alpha almost kicked me out for talking about you so much. Please don’t be afraid of me.” He was begging. What the hell did he mean, ‘mate?’ I mean, it made sense but how was I supposed to process this! I just lost the love of my life! Suddenly a new one just appears. This feels unfair. I glared at the sky. Why was God so cruel? What did I do? Maybe this was a sign though, maybe, just maybe, I could settle down and live a good life. But I know that’s bot true, I couldn’t live with myself knowing that I had left Atticus with Aamon. I hare myself a little bit, to be honest. My gut had been telling me to stay with Atticus, to actually be friends with him, but my greed was too much. And it had lost me a fiend, hell, it lost me everything. A waving hand snapped my out of my daze.
“Micha, sweet thing?” Benji had called.
“Don’t call me that! I’m a horrible person! I know that you know what happened with Atticus, how could someone possibly love me after that? I’m a disgusting creature...!” I yelled.
“No, you’re not. You are beautiful, wonderful, and misguided. I will not let someone insult my mate, especially if that person is my mate. I came after you because I want to be with you, to know you! Don’t you see that micha? Why would I want to be mates with someone if they were horrible and disgusting? You see, the thing is, micha, I wouldn’t! So, the fact that you think of yourself that way is absurd. Terribly absurd. And maybe I am biased, okay? But still! We can go help. I will take you with me. We will help Atticus. I swear it. And if you are scared to go then I will bring you to the pack house. Pedro, the alpha, has given me permission to take you there. What you did was wrong, but I don’t like you any less for it.” Benji’s breath was heavy now. I was loud but he was louder. I shook, my legs swayed as my vision stayed blurry.
“Sweet thing, I love you. Even though i just met you, and our first conversation is an argument, I love you. I…I can’t talk about it right now, but one day, I will tell you why I’m here. And then you will realize just how similar we are. Just how close we are. I promise. So let me protect you, let me save you. Let me show you that you’re not broken, let me show you that you’re not alone.” benji’s voice was barely a whisper now.
“Why?” One simple word, but my voice broke like it was the most painful thing I’ve ever spoken.
“What do you mean, ‘why?’” A confused look crossed benji’s face.
“I mean…why?! Why do you want to save me, why should I let you do that? What have I ever done for you? What could you possibly want from me! No one, and I mean no one has ever done something for me without wanting something in return.” I cried softly, sniffling as I tried to wipe my tears away. I gasped as I was pulled close into a hug by Benji.
“You are my mate. Of course I would want to help you. I’ve lived in anticipation for you, why would I reject you now?” My face was pulled up and he kissed me. It was short, but the emotion that flooded between us was grand. I felt waves of warmth flow through me despite the frigid air surrounding us.
“Wow.” I whispered.
“That’s one word for it.” He sighed in relief. “You don’t understand how long I’ve wanted to do that Michael.” He held me tight. My breath caught in my throat.
“W-what did you call me…?” He couldn’t have. How could he have known me when I was a human? That must have been a slip of tongue, it had to be!
“…beau?” My voice cracked.
“Hey baby, its been a while.” He…he was the one that pushed me! He killed me so…. why would he have said all that? Was this really beau? It couldn’t be! I mean, I could see it, but beau wasn’t a killer!
“I know you’re wondering what’s going on, I promise I will explain baby boy, but please, give me some time. I’m just not ready. It still hurts too much. All I can really say…you’re not wrong. It’s me. Beau.” I nodded. Now was not the time. We needed to help Atticus. He pulled away from me and I gasped. His fingertips were a bright red. The first sign of frostbite.
“Beau! Why didn’t you say something?” I shouted.
“You are more important.” He made eye contact guiltily.
“Where is this ‘pack house’? We need to treat this.” I scolded him.
“Just a few minutes away. In the forest.” He sighed.
“Show me.” I glared at him, this bastard had always been selfless, even for all the shit I give him.
“It’s just in the forest. A short walk away. I’m fine, I promise! Though, it does make me feel good to see you concerned about me. It’s really cute.” I spluttered in indignation.
“You can’t just say stuff like that!”
“But I can! And I will.” Beau’s grin had my stomachs twisted. I wasn’t supposed to love him! I can’t possibly do that! Though, killian did abandon me, and I was kicked out…. this could be the start of a new life. Just maybe. I left my musing when I heard a knock.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Making sure no one is here. It’s rude not to knock.” Again, that cheeky grin had my stomach in knots.
“Screw that. You need treatment. Let’s go.” I grabbed his hand and dragged him inside. I looked around and dragged him back and forth while looking for the medical supplies. His laughing didn’t help the irritation rising inside of me. “Stop that! You know this place better than me, of course I’m gonna struggle to find things. Asshole.” I let go of his hand and ran off, maybe it was somewhere else in the house, but I might as well look without him since he wasn’t helping.
“Hey…! Baby don’t so that. Now I feel bad!”
“Sucks bitch!” I yelled from the other room.  I heard him scoff and mutter to himself, then I heard some rustling. He walked into the room with me and sat down on the couch. He held out a medical kit.
“Here. Since you so adamant to help me, go ahead.” I glanced away.
“Come on, you gonna give me the silent treatment? Now, that won’t do. The house is warm, my hand is much better already. I promise.” He stood up and walked towards me, his long legs got him across the room way to fast for me to feel comfortable. A shiver ran down my spine.
“B-Beau?” I stuttered. I was pressed against the wall. I let out a shuddering breath as my arms were pinned above my head and he buried his face in the crook of my neck.
“You smell delicious baby boy.” He huffed. “So good. I can’t believe I finally have my mate, y’know? It’s a strange feeling, but I love it. I can’t explain it, but I need it. I need you. I don’t think I could live without you. Look at you…mother moon couldn’t have chosen anyone better for me.” His confession caught me off guard, but what got me more was when his lips locked against mine. It was slow and sweet, I leaned into him. I couldn’t help it, he was really good at this. His hands released me and ran down to hold my waist. One hand ran under my shirt. His fingers explored my skin and I felt goosebumps raise all over my body.
“Stunning.” I heard him whisper. “I’m not gonna take you yet, I know you’re not ready, but soon. Do you forgive me? Do you? Please say you do. I wanna cuddle.” I smiled softly as his ears flattened against his hair and he looked up at me with puppy dog eyes.
“Fine. For now. Your on thin ice beau.” I snarked cheekily.
“Actually? The ice is pretty thick here in the tundras. Just saying.”
“Watch yourself.” I growled. We sat on the couch, and I wrapped his hand, putting a warm cream on the wound before I finished the wrap. When I did I smiled.
“That was really cute. Did you know you stick your tounge out when. You’re focused?” He noted, watching my face flush red. He took Ada vantage of my surprise and yanked me down onto the couch next to him.
“Beau!” I shouted. He pinched at my side and growled playfully.
“Look at you, so cute and so perfect.” He flopped down after a moment of the torture, letting me breath. He wrapped his arms around my torso and pulled me close, cuddling into me.
“Stay here. Please?” I sighed and ran my hands through his hair.
“Yeah.” I whispered. “Yeah, I’ll stay here.”

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