bikini sm

10 0 0

girls - *running around in bikinis*

boys - *nose bleeds*

sunny - oh my gosh, it's red velvet!

girls - *cheers*

jonghyun - um... noona neomu yeppeo, i like some boobo-

girls - ewwwwwww-

jonghyun - what?

chicken bucket - *appears on onew*

onew - really? what if i'm black?

key - is that why you have a big dong-

onew - *throws key to the moon*

jonghyun - ow. *takes key off*

key - *go splat on the floor*

sulli - why do you guys abuse each other?

jonghyun - i don't know why...

onew - want to see me turn jjong into a balloon dog?

jonghyun - nooooooo don't turn me into roo- *sobs loudly*

onew - *pulls jonghyun's pants down*

jonghyun - hey- *blushes* p-put my pants back on!

onew - *blows him up from the dong*

jonghyun - ahhh that tickles!

krystal - is he just giving him a blowjob?

sulli - i don't know, just go with it.

onew - *turns him into a dog*

jonghyun - woof.

sulli - wow! *claps*

luna - um oppa, i need to pee-

onew - then pee.

luna - you're so meannnnn- *sobs*

sulli - he said pee bitch

luna - ouuuu! great idea!

taemin - i will never understand-

sulli - women have privileges.

minho - it means you're not allowed to look at their boobs or butts.

sulli - definitely don't look at those!

taemin - what would happen?

sulli - you'll get slapped!

taemin - o-oh-

minho - i got slapped 4 times!

taeyong - i got slapped 6 times!

mark - i got slapped 11 times!

jisung - i got slapped once- only because i started speaking...

seunghan - slapped? i was beaten up!

jaemin - drake?

seunghan - *slaps jaemin*

sohee - guys chill-

wonbin - i like minho!

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