jonghyun steps on ice

10 2 11

cw // jonghyun gets hurt, also a bit of noncon

jonghyun - *falls*


key - *laughs*

onew - *eats chicken*

minho - *snatches the chicken off onew and throws it at jonghyun*

key - hahaha! you're a loser!

jonghyun - *cries whilst runs away*

minho - why does he run in tiptoes?

taemin - you wouldn't understand and wouldn't care less.

key - he's still weird.

jonghyun - *screams for help*

taemin - I'M COMING FOR YOU HYUNG! *runs to jonghyun*

onew - *eats jonghyun's wing* wingssssssss-


onew - *opens his mouth slowly* i-i can't get it out-

taemin - *groans, pulls it out*

onew - *chokes*

jonghyun - OW! OW! OWWWWWW!

taemin - there.

onew - wings... *opens his mouth*

taemin - NO! *slaps onew*

onew - hey how dare you slap your maknae-

taemin - no you're older.

onew - oh- well how could you slap your oppa weird looking girl-

taemin - i'm a boy.

onew - no you're taeyeon from girls generation.

taemin - no...?

onew - yes. now stop being misogynistic.

taemin - hyung, i have a penis.

onew - you're transgender?

taemin - no- *face palms* i'm just a dude with long hair.

onew - ah so you're a trans man?

taemin - WHA-

jonghyun - why do i have a vagina on my butt?

taemin - hyung, please shut the fuck up.

key - i will insert myself in your keyhole.

jonghyun - but i'm not a locket- *puppy eyes*

key - *sighs* fair enough. *leaves*

minho - i am the jungkook before jungkook existed.

taemin - baby... you're just the jungkook in bed- *puppy eyes*

minho - ew, i didn't mean it like that.

taemin - no i don't mean to-


taemin - tf?

onew - jonghyun, taeyeon is the true girl here!

taemin - i'm not a girl, hyung. also my name is not taeyeon-

onew - do you have boobs?

taemin - no- JONGHYUN DOES!

jonghyun - NO!

taemin - go and eat your chicken breast!

onew - *goes to taemin*

taemin - NO NOT ME!

onew - oh-

taemin - JONGHYUN!

onew - oh- *goes to jonghyun*

jonghyun - *runs away butt naked* GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK!

taemin - *giggles*

key - what is he doing to jonghyun-

jonghyun - a-ahhhhh~ s-stop~! p-p-please~!

onew - i'm adding milk into you!

jonghyun - n-no milk~!

onew - oh? *sucks his nipples*

jonghyun - *cries* m-m-make it s-stopppp~!

minho - should we help him?

taemin - nah!

key - *films jonghyun*

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