chapter nine

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" why are we here?"I asked and he took a page out of his pocket. " we only get the finals of last year next week" he mentions which left me confused. He then walked over to the desk and I looked up at him . " do you have a hair pin?" He asked and I nodded. " could I get it?" He asked as if obvious. I gave it to him wondered what he would do.

The next thing I hear is a click and the drawer opening. " did you just" I asked " yes I picked the lock" he answered taking out a stack of paper. He took out a pen and a lighter then placed them on the table. He searched through them and took 3 out. " what are those?" I asked and took a closer look. The 3 he took out had all the answers on the first page wrong. " are these test papers " I asked and picked one up. Hunters name was at the top and on the others stood the boys names. " you're changing your grades. " I stated " yes I am ." He answered.

He picked up the lighter and held the flame close to the page. It was close but not enough to catch the page alight. The ink them began to vanish. They used a gell pen to write answers.

" this is wrong" I informed him as I snatched them away . He shrugged " and?" He asked with a slither of irritation and my mouth dropped. " you cant do this" I said firmly. He paused and stood up. I then immediately dropped the pages back onto the table. He took long strides around the table towards me. He didn't stop which caused me to back up. Once my back hit the wall he leaned in. His breath was warm on my ear as he spoke. As his breath hit my ear heat crept up my neck and I'm hoping I'm not red right now. " I dont fucking care" he whispered. " but-" I whispered back " but what ?" He asked with a devilish smirk pulling away. Dont pull away. With his face no longer by my ear my neck began to cool " why did you drag me along" I asked curiously.

A smile formed on his face. He chuckled walking back to the table and taking a seat. " well she seems fond of you so you'll be my cover up if we get caught. I know this because when you 3 got into trouble the boys over heard your conversation with her after they left the room. She spoke calmly to you which was strange even to the top students. She isn't the nice type. If I think of it she's never THAT nice to anyone" he calmly said putting his feet on her desk and his hands behind his head.

" so I'm being used? " I question and he slowly nodded " pretty much" he answered looking around with not a care in the world. I scoffed and marched over to him.

I'm being used ,again. Why is it always me? Why do they always go for me why not any other girl? Like you know the desperate one's. Okay not going to lie I am a but delusional. But why do they alway use ME to get what they want? Just when I thought I could change things. Break the pattern, but no you decide to walk at night with a good looking guy thinking he has interest in you. Bitch he doesn't!

" you know I actually thought you were a good person but tonight just proved me wrong mr rude selfish short tempered fucking asshat! I dont know how I saw you as a person to day dream about. Oh wait ,small gesture that made me think highly of you. Wow I am delusional and a fucking simp. Not a big one but more or less the same thing. Makenzie was right. Oh shit she was right. I really will just fall to my knees for any guy that gives me attention" I babbled out while hunter looked at me like a crazy person.

I let put a psychotic laugh then continued "not only was makenzie right but I managed to let a guy use me once again. Not one but 3 fucking idiots! I really cant get out of this shit ass cycle can I?! Why me?! " I yelled one last time. It felt nice to finally get the frustration out. When I caught my breath i turned to a shocked Hunter staring at me.

I gave him a genuine smile and put my hands together . He probably thinks I'm going nuts " if we are done here then can we climb back out the window and forget this ever happened" I asked politely and he was frozen staring at me still processing what happened. " question are you known for sleeping with girls because I dont want this to look like I got knocked up" I said still holding my smile. " and I thought Alex didn't know when to shut up" he finally spoke and the door handle shook.

I began to panic and pace around not knowing what to do, while he quickly put everything back. " I'm gonna get detention or worst expelled no they cant expel me over this right I'm gonna live. What will dad think of me if I get expelled. He'll kill me for sure" I kept repeating to myself as a shiver of fear ran down my spine.

I finally stopped when hunter grabbed me by the shoulders. " just fucking shut up for once in your life!" He whispered yelled in irritation while looking at me.

The door then flung open revealing mrs Hudson who stood in the doorway with a confused expression. " Audrey? What are you doing here" she asked walking over to the desk. " I was - I mean I wanted to ask you somthing- yeah I wanted to ask you something " I said giving her a smile, trying not to get her to sit down behind the desk. " dressed like that" she asked and I looked down with wide eyes. " this is my everyday attire" I said with a smile.

She walked over to the front of the desk and put the frame flat on the desk. Why'd she do that? " so that question " she asked and I could see by the way she folded her arms that she was getting suspicious. " what- um why are we not allowed to go anywhere after school during the week?" I asked knowing damn well this is a stupid question. " well you get kids like Alex that decide to get drunk or do somthing stupid." She said. She really doesn't like Alex.

" oh how silly of me" I said avoiding eye contact. " so I never got to ask. How is iris doing?" She asked which caught me off guard. " wait Iris?" I asked and her eyes widened slightly as if she got caught. " I- I mean your dad spoke highly of the two of you when he signed you up. How could I even forget your names. " she said and looked away with a nervous chuckle.

I could see the sweat pools on her head running down her face . She knows something. " is it that hot why dont we open a window in here." She strutted walking to the window and opening it up. " oh why is this out" she said harshly pushing the chair under the table. " shit" hunter said and all nervousness left her face. As she moved the chair away and glared at hunter who sat under the table.

" mrs Hudson it's nice to see you" he said and she pulled him out by his arm. " I cant believe this." She said in true disbelief

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